@fremy_speeddraw I'm fine with that approach too - but then write it out for future casters that they can do this at their own discretion.
My point is that it shouldn't be as open as it was right now - it put Captain and me in a position at times where we were thinking 'is this okay'. For completeness, this is the entire guide on all the things we ran into that we would've liked to know in advance:
Checklist updated last on 2021/10/03
### Checklist (the day) before streaming:
- 0. Set the stream key of FAFLive (settings -> streaming -> advanced -> Stream key)
- 1. Set the correct theme: https://nerdordie.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043623951-Streamlabs-OBS-Overlays-Quick-Import.
- 2. Set the correct resolution (Settings -> Video -> Output (Scaled) resolution).
- 3. Set the right path to text files for keeping track of score and the name of the players (overlays -> Main).
- 4. Set the correct background in (overlays -> Be Right Back).
- 5. Perform a sound check - You and your co-caster(s) should have the same volume. See the Mixer of Streamlabs OBS. When casting through Discord, the streamer can change the volume of the co-caster(s).
- 6. Reduce game sound - The voices of you and your co-casters should be (significantly) more present in the Mixer of Streamlabs OBS then the music or sound effects of the game.
- 7. Set the !bracket and !casters commands on Twitch
- 8. Enable bets in Twitch
- 9. Set the name of the tournament on Twitch
- 10. Ask for an announcement in the FAF Discord when the stream has started
### Useful UI mods to inspect (the day) before streaming:
- 1. Supreme Score Board
- 2. Advanced Reclaim Information
- 3. Advanced Selection Info
- 4. Tacticalpaint
### Useful in-game console commands:
- 1. SetFocusArmy to change army (-1 = observer, 0 = player on slot 1, 1 = player on slot 2, etc)
Set the hotkey of Tactical Paint to some numpad key.
### Checklist between matches:
- 1. When the game ends, switch to overlay 'Intermission'
- 2. Update player names for the next match
- 3. When the game starts, switch to overlay 'Main'
### Checklist during matches:
- 1. Keep track of the feedback of the audience in the Twitch chat.
- 2. Do not curse and apology when you do.
- 3. Do not promote other streams and / or products.
Suggest edits as you see fit.