Red (map total): 38 strikers, 1 pillar, 14 lobo
Grey (map total): 24 Aurora, 3 fervor, 2 bombers
Grey ACU kills Red ACU:
Team Red wins the game
Sniping an ACU is always good in 1v1, and almost always good in global. In 2v2 it has no effect. The (surviving) units and structures pass to the ally. The ACU explosion destroys the attacking army of one player.
Especially for beginners the game is not some grand eco and wisdom game, but closer to:
- ???
- Gunships!
- Profit
People who rely on snipes, or if you'll allow great unit micro, have no benefit of their "one" skill in the game. Luck is also inconsequential.
Greater problem imho
2v2 is less rewarding to low-rated snipe and luck reliant players than it would be with regular game rules (= Share Until Death). This probably affects its popularity at least at low rating.
Set 2v2 to "Share Until Death".
Snipes and ACU death are a core aspect of this game. It should be relevant especially in a competitive matchmaker for quick games.
There is nothing wrong with a snowball victory after an ACU kill, games need to end anyway. People join TMM to play 2v2, it is fine for the game to usually end quickly after becoming 2v1. When the game is over, you can join a new one.