New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements

I won't comment on the details about things that FtX did or did not to the liking of some people, but it seems to me that there are two key areas that people are unhappy about:

  1. Lack of tournaments

The bottleneck is obviously manpower in the form of TDs. I encourage everyone that wants to improve the problem, to explain how they want to acquire more TDs. Or even better, to just start doing it. If you want to host some yourself that is also great. Generally I have read a lot of more or less vague statements that people want to improve the tournament scene, but I have read no feasible solutions.
I don't see why LoTS would have an impact on what other tournaments get hosted. I also don't see how electing a chief TD would change anything. Also I don't understand what benefit voting on this bring? Just pick any with decent TD experience, if you want to appoint one.

  1. Reaction to ideas and concerns of new players

Splitting this off of the PC was already mentioned, but we need a concrete proposal what exactly that guy would do, to see if it is feasible. Also I am not sure who would be suitable and able to explain to people why their idea is not ripe to be implement. Because let's face it, that's the vast majority of new ideas. Most of the balance takes of lower rated players will not be considered, because they fail to consider the drawbacks of their ideas and most other suggestions are either already known/worked on, technically not possible, or made without considering the drawbacks again.
So this position would all in all not be really rewarding to do.

(Also anyone can start doing both of these anytime. It has been said so often, but I will say it again, because nobody seems to bother adressing this point.)

@thomashiatt said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:

Go gather information without being a councilor.

Let me iterate on my definition.
The new position would be expected to maintain a pulse on the FAF player base so the other councilors can rely on them for accurate and useful information. So from this I would say my councilor definition is slightly different, someone who doesn't necessarily have authority, but has responsibilities they MUST fulfill.

The issue here is people don't think FTX are fulfilling that well enough, he's being dismissive, he's a brick wall to talk to, etc. I'm sure you've read it all.
So either he steps up addresses these complaints, someone else is voted in, or that responsibility is delegated to someone else via either a councilor position or via FTX (which I don't think he will, correct me if I'm wrong here FTX)

Now, am I going to do that? No, I'm not interested nor will I have the time. Is someone else willing to do that? Sure why not.

Does that give you enough detail for you to provide a less snarky and more constructive response?

I don't know what more information there is to gather. Seems like FtX has gathered a lot of information about what map pools people want, what tournaments people want, and figured out how to increase activity at all levels with league and division systems. Most people have bad ideas so they should simply be dismissed. Most people just play FAF and don't think about how it can be improved and do not have the knowledge to know what should be done, so there is no reason to ask them. Even if you did ask them the developers only work on what they want anyway.

There is a lot more information to gather... With you being 1 of the 23 total people with 1800+ 1v1 ladder rating, I can understand how you can feel well taken care of by FTX, ThomasHiatt. He focuses too disproportionately on select parts of FAF while disvaluing much of the much larger community, with its thousands of lower and mid-rated players. Also, low rating does not automatically mean disinterest or low-quality opinion in what's desirable for playing FAF. In fact, the 13 1v1 ladder players with the most 1v1 ladder games are all below 1300 rating and have more than 6500 ladder games each, according to the leaderboards. The vast majority of FAF players have <1300 rating.

In regards to what more information is there to gather, there can be surveys/polls/open-minded discussions on tons of things beyond what FTX does. I literally just made a post about 2 hours ago in this very thread that listed some dated poll ideas. There are numerous other things to poll and otherwise gather more data on, such as more holistic map pool preferences, tournament desires, transparency issues, and player retention-related ideas, among many others...

pfp credit to gieb

that's simple.
Morax : make more tournaments for average players!
FtX : no, need more tournaments for top players with new rules!

And how did you come to that conclusion?

@randomwheelchair because morax is interested to sponsor noob tournaments. FtX most of his time spends on the top player tournaments.

Yea stupid ftx WASTES his time on boring top lvl tourneys.

Good to know that only othe player councillor can host tournaments

To voice my personal experience regarding the candidates...

When I entered FAF, I clearly remember the FtX dude with a mongolian icon answering all my beginner questions on #gameplay-and-training channel


At this point, I didn't even know that I should ctrl-K to quit, but Player Councilor FtX helped me. He was the guy that was always on the Discord chat answering questions. No matter how thoughtless or obvious the answers were, FtX is there a great deal of the time answering questions.

That's a guy that cares about the community because HE IS in the community. Before this election, I would have never had an idea of who the fuck is Francias, Morax or Emperor Penguin.

I know FtX isn't some saint but god damm he does a good job, I prefer having a hard working dude that shows up than some randoms appearing out of no where promising me to make FAF perfect and magically change everything for better (but only IF they get elected).

FAF Website Developer

@spikeynoob said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:

@FtXCommando and @Morax i have one last question on this topic. One of u will lose, of you are that one will you still contribute in these areas even if u are not PC? Are you willing to commit to any specific responsibilities?

Waiting to hear @FtXCommando reply to this... then I’ll respond to other posts.

The thing about being PC is you work with what you get. The nice thing about not being PC is being able to choose what others get from you. I do not intend to give to those that did not reciprocate. Those that collaborated with me can always count on me when they need me. Call it a gift economy.

Saying that makes it seem like you won't commit to anything if not elected FTX. It makes it seem like you don't want to help out the general community for the good of FAF, unless you are given power, FTX. That seems concerning...

By comparison, both Morax and I will continue to contribute to FAF (not just to our friends/etc) regardless of the election, as we want to contribute to FAF for the good of FAF/the community/its future/etc.

pfp credit to gieb

@katharsas said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:

Promotion councillor is for outwards communication.

Pretty sure our current promo councillor has said there is no point in outwards communication because we have a bad retention rate. Would love to hear about external FAF promo work if I’m wrong, though.

@emperor_penguin said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:

Saying that makes it seem like you don't want to help out the general community for the good of FAF, unless you are given power, FTX. That seems concerning...

By comparison, both Morax and I will continue to contribute to FAF (not just to our friends/etc) regardless of the election, as we want to contribute to FAF for the good of FAF/the community/its future/etc.

You’re running to replace me with zero work related to me and have blatantly stated you refuse to work anywhere I am. Don’t try to convert your inability to replace me into a failure on my end.

I brought this up in the discord, but I've been asked to post this here.

Ftx's plans are well documented and I'm interested in the specific changes to the tournament scene that @Morax and @Emperor_Penguin would bring. Namely,

  1. Would you continue to support the Ladder League Invitationals and LotS (and what specific changes would you make to them, if any)?
  2. Exactly what new events would you personally run? You've said you would run new events for lower rated players and Morax has talked about a rating restricted LotS parallel event. I'm interested in specifically what sort of events you are planning on running and how frequently would you run them.

@ftxcommando said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:

You’re running to replace me with zero work related to me and have blatantly stated you refuse to work anywhere I am. Don’t try to convert your inability to replace me into a failure on my end.


I have repeatedly and extensively sought out user feedback (with discussions, surveys, polls, etc) and took an activist-type stance on behalf of much of the community that you tend to disvalue so much. I actually try to find out what would improve FAF and related for lots of players/FAF communities and try to foster constructive communication and contribution, which is more like what a proper PC should do imo than your method of catering to a small minority while disvaluing and dismissing majority opinions... I have also put a lot of effort into learning gameplay/variance/aesthetic/etc criteria for evaluating maps/ladder/tmm better, with particular focuses on what types/styles of maps/gameplay/etc are desirable for different FAF communities/player-types. That is a large aspect of the sort of stuff a good Player Councilor should do imo, and you dismiss/neglect a lot of it. And that's in addition to my contributions with related things like making maps, working on map gen, and teaching noobs how to improve at FAF...

Also, I didn't 'refuse to work anywhere you are'; that's blatantly false as well. I've avoided working on certain things involving you in favor of working on other things that don't involve you as I (like many others) have found working with you to be unpleasant (to say the least), FTX... You even mentioned working with me on something earlier in this thread, yet you claim that I refuse to work anywhere you are... Be consistent; don't lie!

pfp credit to gieb

@swkoll sorry but your questions are off topic. This thread is for personal jabs only.

@inspektor_kot said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:

@randomwheelchair because morax is interested to sponsor noob tournaments. FtX most of his time spends on the top player tournaments.

Then why don't we see him sponsoring/organizing noob tournaments right now?

frick snoops!

@askaholic Damn, my bad, I'll ask a follow up: what is the best dirt you have on your fellow candidates? Bonus points if it derails productive conversation even further.