hello, i would like to participate! I am rated between 1000 to 1100
Supreme Computer Cup
Please mark me as interested. I am new to the game but I will try to have a fundamental beginner tier level by 26th. How do I join it?
Just show up at the stated time on the client and then type /join #computercup in aeolus or some other chatroom.
Sign me up - I'm around 800-850 1v1 rating.
Note I've never done a tournament before (so let me know if I need anything more than being able to type in chat on discord and using the join command FtX has noted), and there's a chance I won't be able to make it on the day and/or for all of the games (depends on family commitments) - since it's an AI tourney I'm assuming it isn't a big deal if I'm a no show or have to drop out.
M27AI and M28AI developer; Devlogs and more general AI development guide:
Looking forward to watching this tourny.
Will likely have the top 3 AI's who win, show and place in this tourny,
be in next years Rainbow Cup IV.
Tournament newbie question - will I need to find and download mods for all of the AI in advance, or would e.g. these automatically download when I join the relevant game?
M27AI and M28AI developer; Devlogs and more general AI development guide:
@maudlin27 You'll need to download the mods from the vault when the tournament starts, I'll be posting instructions on how to do that and detailed instructions on how the tournament will work before the tournament starts.
I'd love to play! some friends of mine have been playing against AI a lot recently and wishing for an AI that doesn't need cheats to be good-this is a good way for me to contribute!