[Guide] : fake-fullscreen and optimisation

A Little error in full script:
I screwed up at automathic setting for the dual screen size 😉

	width_2 := width*2
	height_2 := height*2

now is good one:

	width_2 := width*2
	height_2 := height

Result of the modified definiteve script divide for sortcut proxy:

Full example: Universal Sortcut Parser.rar

@io_nox said in [Guide] : fake-fullscreen and optimisation:

Windows 10 ui scaling involved here

Yes i did not test with Windows 10 ui scaling, the fixed worked, however i found one issue. The mouse would flicker when at the edge of the screen.

Here is the fix

	if (!ProcessExist(procGame)) 
	;//checks if the game window is active
	if !WinActive("ahk_exe " procGame)
	; this will get your game window size
	WinGetTitle, winTitle, ahk_exe %procGame%
	WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, %winTitle%
	w := w - 1
	h := h - 1
	;//trap mouse
	ClipCursor( true, X, Y, W, H)

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

Found a bug with SysGet, Mon1, Monitor, 1 and using Mon1Left
Sometimes Mon1Left is 0 and Mon1Right has the correct value depending on your screen setup

Here is a fix

if(autoSetMonitorSize == true)
	SysGet, Mon1, Monitor, 1 ;//get monitor 1 resolution
	if(Mon1Right != 0)
		width := Mon1Right ; //set width resolution
	else if(Mon1Left != 0)
		width := % Mon1Left
		width := 1920

	if(Mon1Bottom != 0)
		height := Mon1Bottom ; //set width resolution
	else if(Mon1Top != 0)
		height := Mon1Top
		height := 1080
	;//if the value is negative change it to positive number
	if(width < 0)
		width := (-1 * width)
	if(height < 0)
		height := (-1 * height)

I am also improving the Launcher with ui scaling.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher 1.02
It has come a long way but i have decided to create a fun little github project for it.


Lots of changes in this update, hopefully there are not too many issues with this version.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

Hello everyone, I just came to the game, I want the game to run on two monitors (the monitors are the same, I want to use the second one as a large minimap) tell me, I correctly understood that a completely different story is being discussed in this topic and I don't need this script.

@buzalbash You can either use the scripts above or try my Launcher at https://github.com/ageekhere/Definitive-Supreme-Commander-Launcher

You need to get the following mods from the FAF database
Common Mod Tools
ui-party enabled

You also need to switch the game to windowed mode.

Then in the Launcher all you need to do is go to settings and enable the game and set the install location.

You can even enable auto dual screen switcher, however it is still work in progress, but getting close.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@buzalbash no this is exactly what this script accomplishes.

Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher 1.03 autohotkey script update 1.10

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@buzalbash said in [Guide] : fake-fullscreen and optimisation:

Hello everyone, I just came to the game, I want the game to run on two monitors (the monitors are the same, I want to use the second one as a large minimap) tell me, I correctly understood that a completely different story is being discussed in this topic and I don't need this script.

You should not need this script. I was running a second monitor as a "big minimap" before I got this script.

One tip: instead of having your second monitor show a regular map, with 3D-rendered terrain, change it to a topographical map. That uses less system resources. My setup was smoother once I changed it to that.

I link this post for the people who are asking me about the fake full screen script, and are having trouble understanding the first post and all the different scripts floating around.

This three-step guide is the most basic setup for one monitor full screen, which should work for nearly all use cases:

  1. Set the game to window mode via your in game options menu
  2. Install autohotkey https://www.autohotkey.com/
  3. Download attached file and extract the .rar → right-click the script ⇾ Run Script

Download: ForgedAlliance_Borderless.rar
(.ahk scripts are not allowed to attach, it is the first script from the first post)

Script explanation:

This AutoHotkey script periodically checks if a process named "ForgedAlliance.exe" is running. The script minimizes and maximizes the window as a way to update the window's appearance and to remove any glitches that may occur due to the removal of the window border.

You can pause/edit the script if you click on the green H icon in your right taskbar.

For any special cases like several monitors, etc. you can still go through this thread to find the scripts to tinker with, you are probably more advanced than anyway.

If any questions, just ask.



Script content:

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
procName := "ForgedAlliance.exe"
SetTimer, CheckProc, 2000

    If (!ProcessExist(procName))

    WinGet Style, Style, % "ahk_exe " procName
    If (Style & 0xC40000) 
        WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, % "ahk_exe " procName
        WinMinimize , % "ahk_exe " procName
        WinMaximize, % "ahk_exe " procName

   Process, Exist, %exeName%
   return !!ERRORLEVEL

@magge You can also tell them to try the Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher where I did all the configurations.


Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

Is there any way, at all, to both run FAF in a borderless window AND still be able to scroll by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen? The script in the OP doesn't do it, magge's script doesn't do it, and thecore's launcher doesn't do it.

When you enable borderless window (even without using any scrips) it prevents the use of the mouse scroll to the edge. Not sure why this happens.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!


I don't have a solution for your question, but I only recently realized that holding the middle mouse button allows you to scroll by moving the mouse. That changed the way I manage scrolling and zooming.

@thecore i see typical noob programming "feature" - when interface of the program does not working correctly when it is not exactly the same as developer's
Windows 11. 125% zoom ration 1920x1080

@t_r_u_putin same screen after switching to 4k resoulution and back! Screenshot_2.png

Anyone successfully got FAF working on dual monitors with the map on the left and the playing window on the right?

I tried UI-festival but the reclaim overlay was on the wrong monitor and hotbuild preview is also stuck in the middle, straddling the two displays. There seems to be no option for changing this.

@T_R_U_putin You can set in the exe high DPI settings in compatibility, set override high DPI scaling behavior. see if that works

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@reckless_charger try the Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher https://github.com/ageekhere/Definitive-Supreme-Commander-Launcher/releases/tag/version1.03

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!