Why do I keep crashing
I have been trying to troubleshoot this on my own but I am at a loss and need help. I have been playing FAF for 7 years now and have never had crashing issues but since about December I have been getting regular crashes in game that seem to be getting worse.
What happens is the game just freezes at random times. Sometimes it unfreezes and keeps going but every 10-15 games it will not and the only thing that solves it is to hold the power button on my pc to reset the system. (alt+tab, ctrl+alt+del, ctrl+esc...none work...only hard reset)
One time I watched the replay to see how the game ended and at the moment I crashed it showed a desync from another player but the game was still rated so it wasnt an issue I guess?
Every few times when I have to hold the power button a window will come up to cancel the reboot (while it waits for programs to close) and at the same time everything resolves and the game unfreezes but I cant press cancel fast enough.
I have a really good system and have reinstalled EVERYTHING twice including windows to try and solve this. I run a lean system so no background programs should be interfering.
I tried turning down graphics even though I can run everything max no issue usually. I also tried running without any mods
I don't know how logs work or anything so can someone who knows please tell me what and how to post the log? I can build a computer just fine but even the most basic programing that my dog could do is beyond me but if I am going to be kicked from lobbies I want it to be because I am a noob and/or someone hates me, not because I got known to be a crasher.
Thank you in advance.
Please share a game log.
Yeah...that may seem like a simple task...but I need someone who can tell me where that game log is. You mean replay id?
Ok, I may not be as dumb as I think I am. but when I paste the log I get an error as it exceeds the character limit of the forum. How else do I share?
You can probably imagine what would happen if you were to paste the entire thing in a forum post. Try uploading the file instead.
thanks I never even saw that was an option.
I just crashed again now for same reasons. I was dead but watching the match and the game froze as i was zooming in and then back out again. It happened at 14:00 exactly for me.game_24520703.log
Please enable the debugger in the FAF client options and reproduce the issue, and post a new game log.