Setons Clutch Tourney 2024
What do you mean you wait for people to sign up? I think you barely will get signups with these registration rules
Well considering this is almost an exact copy of last years tournament thread, I would say yes, everyone who read it assumed it was a 4v4 because Setons is traditionally played 4v4 and has been for a decade. You are the only person who pointed it out till now.
There are some changes to come as far as the rules. We need the player signups. We will most likely go with captains.
This tournament since its yearly is most likely aimed at seasoned players even more if we go the captain route because the captains will choose those who know how to play most likely and possibly this will even out the balance. I can't make captains if I don't know who the captains are kappa.
You are more than welcome to message me on discord, if you have any recommendations.
@nuggets I think, because it's early posted? I did this on purpose, hopefully to mitigate absenteeism and to give time to those who need to plan it out if they are going to make it that day.
sign me up
make it captain pick and it will be way easier for everyone, you will have 2x more sign ups because nobody wants to DM people and ask 'u know wanna team or no?'
@vindex Yeah its changed now.
signing up
Sign me up: Seraphim-Noob
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SiilentBug -
Sighing up
sign up 1800
@rudeplayer bruh
Sign up InsidiousNoob
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If you want to use Double elimination then 5 teams is a terrible number. One team will get a bye 1st round. Better to either have a limit of 4 teams and keep using double elimination or use other tournament format eg. Swiss Style or some Swiss Style adjusted one.
If you assume decently balanced teams then Swiss Style will also produce more (decent quality) games.
Sign up Swatoslav
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Sign me up - fedorafreak
Please sign me up !