Client Problems

For the chat disconnects this is still a product of some of the changes that had to be made to mitigate the effects of the ongoing ddos. The not connecting to aeolus is on the radar as an issue but just hasn't been prioritized to be fixed yet.

For the chat showing older messages the client should scroll you to your last seen message similar to how discord works.

I thought it is only me who loses chat every 10 secs.
Also it automatically reconnects me to Russian chat. And I have to manually join aeolus. Is it possible to change first priority chat to aeolus instead of Russian?

@sheikah said in Client Problems:

For the chat showing older messages the client should scroll you to your last seen message similar to how discord works.

Yeah it often just takes me way back to the same point over and over and I have to scroll down again.

@sheikah said in Client Problems:

For the chat showing older messages the client should scroll you to your last seen message similar to how discord works.

Should and does are 2 different things. It does not scroll to any message. If you go to a different chat and then back to aeolus you are always back at the top. Honestly this is maybe the most annoying bug/feature having to scroll down every time

Not a huge issue, but the Replay Tab doesn't save your search result if you change to a different tab, requiring one to do the search again. In prior clients, the tab saved the search results.


Huh for me its the opposite. It never saved it before, but with the last update it does..

I have problem with start client

java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application init method

I'm a bit annoyed that I can't select text from chats anymore. I guess it's not a huge issue but it made communicating with non-english speakers quite a bit harder since copy-pasting into google translate is no longer an option. I have to now start google translate on my phone, switch to camera mode, and hold it up to the monitor for a few seconds before the OCR works.

@phong If you're in the FAF Discord, then you can look in the #aeolus channel there to get the text you need to copy for translation.

@mostlostnoob well that definitely helps for #aeolus at least, I guess I can ask people that we speak there.