Username rules updates
@brutus5000 said in Username rules updates:
@ftxcommando said in Username rules updates:
@indexlibrorum said in Username rules updates:
Making name changes less frequent will make usernames more stable. I sincerely believe this is very beneficial to the community and significantly more important than being able to joke with usernames. Leave that for chat, discord, and (for all I care) wall templates.
5 of the 11 are mods btw
Closed bubble. I didn't give it an up-or downvote because I don't give a fuck. and this applies to 90-95% of the community. You cannot interpolate these numbers for the whole community.
certified “general will” moment
read theory curiosity, if 90% don't care, why are the 10% that do care that are a supermajority against the change still not considered the community voice about it? If an election has 20% turnout does that mean it's by default null? Sad to say that makes just about every polling or survey or vote done by FAF null.
Looks like that still leads us to the conclusion of the mod team doing what they want to do and we should still drop the whole "it's for the community" or "it's for the greater good" spiel.
If you don't like the verdict
With this screenshot here I understand that one of the two TheWheelieNoobs (I guess the one that renamed later?) would have to rename, because their names are impossible to tell apart. With the new rules are the other names fine? They are similar but discernible.
What I don't get with the rule change is that I think we are generally in agreement with most of the goals (preventing mod impersonation, preventing malicious impersonation of other users and preventing identical names). The thing that fuels the fire is the massive increase to rename time. But this doesn't solve any problems at its core. People can still change their names, so the the situation that I don't immediately recognize a player will still occur, just less often. Are there even many people that rename once a month? If most people only rename once in a few month then the positive impact that this rule change has is minimal. At the same time it affects everyone with rename aspirations because they are now stuck with a rename for at least half a year.
There wasn't really a solid justification why that change is necessary, but at the same time the mod team seems pretty determined to keep a significant increase in rename time. But why? You all see the negative community feedback. You see how the mod team's reputation is suffering. It would be so easy to drop this change. There must be a reason why you are willing to keep your stance despite all this. Please, tell me the reason! I really don't get it. -
The two identical wheelienoobs would have been punished with old rules anyway, at least if a mod was made aware of it. I’ve gotten banned over barcodes using that capital i lower case L trick.
h-hey!! go back to discussing the rule. leave us alone!!!
Honestly, the more i read the less i have hope that this will have a good result. Which is also implies that future descisions will go down this path
Ok fine, PR speak deactivated to hopefully get the point across better
The massively condensed answer to "why are these changes being implemented?" is "so people, including moderators, can tell who tf people are."
Take a look at BlackYps screenshot, I have absolutely no idea who any of those people are. I assume "TheWheelie" is Farms, Sladow is one of them... and that's it.
What we mean when we say there has been little argument against this idea is most of the posts just say "lmao mods power tripping again" or something to that effect. Okay? What are we supposed to do with that? That doesn't tell us any useful information.
This post? Fantastic. Clearly addresses each of our concerns, points out problems our solution has, and describes where our communication has failed. I'll write out a better reply to this specific post when I have time.
Anyway, to reference our reply post
The position of the moderation team is that the primary use of usernames is to tell users apart.
A lot of the arguments against this policy have boiled down to "I want to change my username more than every 6 months because it's funny." And then we reply "we might even agree that it's funny but it causes all these issues". "Nuh uh!"
To paraphrase TheWheelieNoob (because rather appropriately, I don't know who that is):
Understanding the motivation [against] this update has been challenging
Why do you need to rename so often? Imagine you had a coworker and every week they went by a different name. Do you seriously not understand how that would be problematic and bother people?
D Deribus referenced this topic on
Why exactly does it matter for you to know who somebody is? They either broke a rule in the game or they didn’t. Then you can assign a punishment after looking through the history of the fafid of the person. Who cares if it was Terraria or Pepsi or Farm breaking the rule?
coworker going by a new name every week is called working with office zoomers in 2024
There doesn’t really need to be some “pertinent” reason. It’s fun. Most people are either unbothered about it or enjoy the feature. You are taking the fun thing away. And every ACTUAL argument is actually one more related to name mimics or impersonation rather than renames happening often.
The greatest first person shooter game ever created was Battlefield 2142. There never was a game like it and there never will be again. When Battlefield 3 came out the community kept 2142 going.... Right up until the moderators scared everyone away and ruined the fun of it all....FAF has all the ingredients to survive whatever next gen game comes along to compete with it... Unless the people get scared off for no good reason.
It's shocking to me that the moderators can't see from this thread that the will of the people is clear. Just do the right thing and switch it back.
I got one week left in my 7-week shift up north and I get to come home and play FAF for 2 and 1/2 weeks straight while I get day drunk and realize that I can't handle my weed anymore and get yelled at in chat by young RAGErs because I'm playing like crap... but I'm getting worried that there'll be nothing left for me to play when I return.....
Please just do the right thing and switch it back....
Maybe the moderation can give some numbers of the amount of cases related to this issue.
Obviously, a balance must be found here between the interest of players in a feature and the interest of moderation in reducing incidents. Some of the players affected have reported here and can be assessed by the downvotes. There are no figures from the other side so far.
@brutus5000 said in Username rules updates:
Maybe the moderation can give some numbers of the amount of cases related to this issue.
I dont understand why you people make it sound like a big deal. Even with the most broken identical names like barcodes it is pretty easy to differentiate people in the game to know which one to punish, because we have more than one unique player attributes:
Differences in names. IlIlIl and lIlIlI migh look exactly the same, but you can still tell them apart by looking at the height of the letters
Different countries. One barcode guy is from netherlands, the other is from america. Easy as that
Different ratings. It is very rare to see people do this and have the exact same rating, so you can tell them apart
Different teams. If the perpetrator is on the team 1, then everyone on team 2 are by default not them
Different factions. You can see the factions in the game and in the client, so if the offender is playing UEF, all the other faction players are probably not him
Different colors. I assume no one is moderating with team colors on
Different clans. Not every single person is from SNF, so you can tell them apart using the clan tag
I would have absolutely no problems in discerning who's who using these points, and if the names are TOO similiar (like barcodes) just punish both players and problem solved.
luhhhhhh effort
@thewheeler said in Username rules updates:
Differences in names. IlIlIl and lIlIlI migh look exactly the same, but you can still tell them apart by looking at the height of the letters
I mean from a mod pov i can see this as pretty reasonable tbh (without the player ids in place). I tell people apart based on stuff like rating clan flag etc, but based on name i have no clue at all whos who even though i would be someone with the highest chance to know in general.
@theweakie said in Username rules updates:
I mean from a mod pov i can see this as pretty reasonable tbh (without the player ids in place). I tell people apart based on stuff like rating clan flag etc, but based on name i have no clue at all whos who even though i would be someone with the highest chance to know in general.
Bad vision + bad memory, old man problems
This post? Fantastic. Clearly addresses each of our concerns, points out problems our solution has, and describes where our communication has failed.
The situation is: mod team comes out with a (ridiculous) change. Now WE have to take the time to formulaten an article on why this is bad. You are saying it is not acceptable to just write "bad change, reverse". You want an entire article with pro, cons, examples and whatever.
How about YOU (mod team) post a 'proposal' and not a change that might be reversed if enough people complain (obviously this is not appicable to every change, but it clearly is here).I don't even know how to say how ridiculous it is that a rule is getting an insanly strict update (not sure how to formulate that), and you expect people to go "Yeah ok, it helps moderation".
Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but this is what it feels like to me.
i am going to nuke your house (threat).
construct 5 compelling arguments to stop me. -
@dorset BF2142 was the shit. I am so sad that we can never play it again. It was such a good game.
6 months is an utter travesty. Why even create thread, gather the opinions of players if you're just going to ignore them. 12 > 6 months is somewhat a compromise, but I agree with @FtXCommando
"6 months is still ridiculous, 3 months is barely tolerable, 2 months is acceptable" -
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