About weather: generating clouds
If it is subtle then it is fine in my opinion.
It's an artistic tool that could be used poorly or well. And it could be used to make other effects. Idk, placing a green or black one under water to give it a subtly different texture. Having it in some mountains meant to be impassable anyways?
Weather is cool and not much of an issue as you can see the icons through the cloud cover anyways. What are some good maps with nice looking weather?
Clouds can definitely be an issue, funeral plains has clouds which can be annoying.
A lot of people turn off "screen shake" even though it adds to immersion. I don't think people want clouds interfering with their ability to see things. Is there a way to toggle clouds on/off? And if not, can that be added?
also, I assume they are static, unable to move? Or can they?
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Hi everyone, I had seen the weather markers in FAF Map Editor. Do they work? Or has anyone tested this? So for my part I'm a fan if the clouds are placed where the main thing is not affected.
yes they work
@saver I've recently used clouds in Project Tabula. Placed them so that they don't interfere with gameplay, though: only when you zoom all the way out do you have some light clouds, and there are some clouds below the plateau.
And clouds do not show in the editor
Thank you for the answers