Factions Text for Web Site, need suggestions

No, keep it simple and short. We aren't making a fucking book over here.

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supcomfactions smaller.jpg

I think something like this could also help people with choosing a faction based on their playstyle since it's kind of hard to characterize exactly how each faction feels to play, especially Seraphim (they have aspects from all three other factions, but they seem to take the tankiness of UEF in a more aggro direction most of all)

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almost none of the attempts to describe the way factions play are 100% true.

UEF ranks 3rd in shield HP, and their land units at tech 2 and 4 are the squishiest across the board. Percivals are matched by bricks, so they don't stand out.
Cybran land units are slow at T2, loyalists are fast but they're matched by titans so they don't stand out. Cybran being stealthy is true
Aeon doesn't have highly specialized units. It's literally just the absolver
Seraphim is the most vague of them all. They're described to have "multi-purposed units" (what does that even mean?) and highly advanced units? Their mass costs and strength are comparable to other factions, with the small exceptions of the ilshavoh and mobile t3 shield

I would recommend sticking to describing a faction's lore and keeping it at that. It's too hard (impossible?) to give a short and concise gameplay description of each faction that actually fits it

frick snoops!

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If you tell new players that the factions play differently they are going to worry unnecessarily about what faction they should play and learn, and think they have to play a certain way with or against factions. This is not a game like Starcraft where the factions offer unique gameplay, claiming they do is misleading and detrimental to new players.

If something has to be written about factions the main thing really is just the differing aesthetics and lore, and the fact that there are four of them to provide some minor gameplay flavor and niche tools.

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