New Website Bugs/Feedback
This is just lame. Kindergartener design and wording. If I didn't know what SupCom was, I would not want to download it after reading this.
HI i find the text in the news to large and i cant 'TAB' the news in my browser.
Keep up the good work . -
@melanol said in New Website Bugs/Feedback:
This is just lame. Kindergartener design and wording. If I didn't know what SupCom was, I would not want to download it after reading this.
@Javi Waaaait, these weren't the texts that were on the latest versions while the new page was pre-release, were they?
@fichom wdym? they've always been those. At some point I need to switch those for a mix of what @magge wrote above. I'm just busy tinkering with the backend, it's not very exciting to change some text xdxd. Plus when I come back to this, I'll re-do it so its more interactable/has images of each faction, maybe even a factions page.
Order - The United Earth Federation was once the only government in the galaxy. Its durable armies are designed to take and hold territory to restore the empire.
Freedom - The Cybran Nation began as a cyborg conspiracy to liberate workers enslaved by the UEF. Cybran armies are fast, stealthy, and versatile.
Truth - The Aeon Illuminate is a religious order. Its followers are zealous and single-minded missionaries. Aeon units tend to excel at only one single purpose.
Revenge - The Seraphim were a peaceful alien race that was mostly genocided by the UEF. The Seraphim returned, using terrible weapons to carry out acts of overwhelming destruction. -
the seraphim weren't genocided by the UEF but by the earth empire, UEF only started existing after brackman left the chat and aeon formed which was way after
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you are forgetting this is about informing new players that don't know about the story, telling them UEF existed since before the infinite war as a faction without changing at all when it is just not the case, if you want to show them as related it should at least be explained as such rather than them being mentioned as the exact same thing, something like "after the collapse of the earth empire, the remnants reformed into the united earth federation, to bring back peace to the galaxy by uniting all of humanity under one banner, by force if necessary", this is even explained in intro video
also didn't notice it at first for some reason, but yes, the UEF faction description is also wrong for that reason, and the UEF aren't trying to restore the empire because the empire no longer exists, and the seraphim weren't "mostly" wiped out either, one of their colonies was completely wiped out (critical point because that is the reason aeon exist and idolize/romanticize the seraphim and don't understand their technology properly (because there are no seraphim left alive to explain it)), the rest of the seraphim exist far from the human space completely fine, even after FA story, the seraphim that were defeated were merely 1 tiny task force sent to avenge the colony
@eternal said in New Website Bugs/Feedback:
Is this even a website feedback topic
the feedback is about the descriptions of factions on website and what should be on them, because it is the first thing new players will see, so you don't want to make mistakes in it
I think that emphasizing the ideology of each faction is more important than a detailed history of their lore for the purposes of attracting new players imo. But yes, the UEF are LARPing revanchists, the fact that they are not the Earth Empire and the fact that they want to restore it without really understanding why it fell apart are both equally important aspects.
Should we make an own thread about the 'factions text on the website' (and link it in the first post) to discuss how we should address the introduction text, or do you want it all in one place here? @Javi
If the discussion pursues more intensely about that topic, it deservers its own thread, I suppose, otherwise the original intention about Bugs/Feedback is harder to track if two separate discussions are at the same time. Especially if people come up with lore and stuff to underline their arguments, which I really like, but generates a lot of text not related to bug/feedback.
I just threw together some text, if it's not consistent with the lore, it could be tweaked to be consistent. The point is to describe the ideology, aesthetic, and theme of the faction as quickly as possible in a way that makes them sound interesting to play.
Edit: and I want it to come across that each faction's history, ideology, aesthetic, and functions are consistent in a way that gives each faction its own personality. The consistency shows that the game design has thematic integrity. If people think the game is well-designed that would make them more interested to try it.
@zeldafanboy said in New Website Bugs/Feedback:
I think that emphasizing the ideology of each faction is more important than a detailed history of their lore for the purposes of attracting new players imo.
I don't mean it needs to be detailed, just accurate/not completely wrong
in example of uef: the player could think "oh cool so they existed since before everything even started" - wrong, they only formed once and because everything started, without knowing this it can lead to nonsensical questions like "why did they let this happen in first place if they wanted galaxy united, could have stopped it from start with all that military might that they so freely use, how did other factions get so big and powerful if UEF existed before them"
sorry if it seems pedantic, but giving inaccurate/misleading/false information about lore to new players can make them think we are amateurish/don't care about the game's lore once they find out the truth about the lore from a video/campaign/other players (or worst, know it already and immediately see info we give is wrong), and it is easy to forget about critical things in the story if you are already familiar with it because it seems irrelevant or minor (curse of knowledge), oversimplification can cause more confusion once conflicting information is found, confusion makes people doubt both the original and new information and people who gave it
Here is take 2:
Order - The United Earth Federation is the successor to the empire that once controlled the entire galaxy. The UEF imposes its authority with durable armies designed to take and hold territory.
Freedom - The Cybran Nation began as a cyborg conspiracy to liberate workers enslaved by the Earth Empire. Because it began as a resistance movement using hit-and-run tactics, its armies are fast, stealthy, and versatile.
Truth - The Aeon Illuminate is a religious order. Followers of "The Way" are zealous and single-minded missionaries. Aeon units tend to excel at only one single purpose.
Revenge - The Seraphim are alien invaders from another dimension. Seeking revenge for a bio-weapon attack by the Earth Empire, and fearing humanity's genocidal intentions, Seraphim use weapons focused on creating overwhelming destruction.
I think these are all good but I would replace "Truth" with "Purity" since that seems biased towards the Aeon faction's ideology. Unless you believe in The Way more power to you
Take 3
Order - The United Earth Federation is the successor to the empire that once controlled the galaxy. The UEF imposes its authority with durable armies designed to control territory.
Freedom - The Cybran Nation began as a cyborg conspiracy to liberate workers enslaved by the Earth Empire. Because it began as a resistance movement using hit-and-run tactics, its armies are fast, stealthy, and versatile.
Purity - The Aeon Illuminate is a religious order based on devotion and sacrifice. Followers of "The Way" are zealous and single-minded missionaries. Aeon units tend to excel at only one single purpose.
Revenge - The Seraphim are alien invaders from another dimension. Seeking revenge for a bio-weapon attack by the Earth Empire, and fearing humanity's genocidal intentions, Seraphim weapons create overwhelming destruction.
@arma473 If using 1 word for each faction, Unite (UEF), Liberate (Cybran) and Cleanse (Aeon) would be consistent with the art that came with the original Supcom: -
A arma473 referenced this topic on
I created a new thread, here - specifically for discussion about how to describe the four factions. So please don't continue to discuss that topic here.