Developers patch 3745 - 3748
@jip I think making a guide to where does the mod menus is after integration and how to views the options of the mod after might be good
@archsimkat I think It would require engine changes, I can only tell that for engies shift+alt is possible through UI
Nice work 4z0t! Let us know when the mod is up
@archsimkat mod
is done and works fine for me -
Updated the post with the new features about
,mouse sharing
and the changes we're making toreclaim labels
. See also the second post: -
J Jip referenced this topic on
One shot, ten deprecated mods
I liked the changes with reclaim labels. Good job, Jip and his team! You are the best!
I love recall
You guys are doing awesome work.
One question, does recall require being alive? If not, I think it should.
It requires you to be not defeated, yes.
This recall feature is outstanding!
We can live to fight another day!Would it possibly have any effect on ranking changes? Nothing big, but the equation evaluates it as if your ranks were closer if you recall instead of die.
This could incentivise people to not stay in a losing battle of attrition forever, or toy with people who don't know they are defeated.
Knowing that it's time to retreat is a good commander quality, and this is kinda diagetically like that.
Perhaps in ranked games there is a signal the enemy is retreating, and it takes a moment to charge.
Anyway, love the feature!
No, then whole game revolves around manipulating pressing a button in whatever environment it gets pushed into and unfairly punishes new players/discourages playing with new players who have zero reason to expect such a mechanic impacts real rating.
Not to mention the obvious increase in toxicity that is going to follow people losing more rating because their teammate didn’t listen to them, regardless of who was right.
@jip said in Upcoming developers patch:
It requires you to be not defeated, yes.
So it only counts alive players from a team?
So a dead player can't start a vote? -
A dead player will not be able to vote, yes.
@KaletheQuick it won't impact rating - if you recall then you are 'defeated'.
@jip oh darn. still awesome to see! lots of people seem to like it as well. good work!
@genos said in Upcoming developers patch:
@archsimkat mod
is done and works fine for meThis is really cool.
Unfortunately the mod seems to only select engineers when using shift+alt, but not when holding down just alt. Idk if it's a conflict, but I tried disabling selection deprioritizer and that didn't change anything. Fix pls? Shift alt is good too for adding to selection, but often you'd want to use just alt if you already have something selected and want to replace the selection.
@genos said in Upcoming developers patch:
@archsimkat I think It would require engine changes, I can only tell that for engies shift+alt is possible through UI
Oh wow so much good stuff in there
The Control group changes make it finally hassle free to have control groups for factories, this is soo much better than the current/old behavior!