Developers patch 3745 - 3748
It requires you to be not defeated, yes.
This recall feature is outstanding!
We can live to fight another day!Would it possibly have any effect on ranking changes? Nothing big, but the equation evaluates it as if your ranks were closer if you recall instead of die.
This could incentivise people to not stay in a losing battle of attrition forever, or toy with people who don't know they are defeated.
Knowing that it's time to retreat is a good commander quality, and this is kinda diagetically like that.
Perhaps in ranked games there is a signal the enemy is retreating, and it takes a moment to charge.
Anyway, love the feature!
No, then whole game revolves around manipulating pressing a button in whatever environment it gets pushed into and unfairly punishes new players/discourages playing with new players who have zero reason to expect such a mechanic impacts real rating.
Not to mention the obvious increase in toxicity that is going to follow people losing more rating because their teammate didn’t listen to them, regardless of who was right.
@jip said in Upcoming developers patch:
It requires you to be not defeated, yes.
So it only counts alive players from a team?
So a dead player can't start a vote? -
A dead player will not be able to vote, yes.
@KaletheQuick it won't impact rating - if you recall then you are 'defeated'.
@jip oh darn. still awesome to see! lots of people seem to like it as well. good work!
@genos said in Upcoming developers patch:
@archsimkat mod
is done and works fine for meThis is really cool.
Unfortunately the mod seems to only select engineers when using shift+alt, but not when holding down just alt. Idk if it's a conflict, but I tried disabling selection deprioritizer and that didn't change anything. Fix pls? Shift alt is good too for adding to selection, but often you'd want to use just alt if you already have something selected and want to replace the selection.
@genos said in Upcoming developers patch:
@archsimkat I think It would require engine changes, I can only tell that for engies shift+alt is possible through UI
Oh wow so much good stuff in there
The Control group changes make it finally hassle free to have control groups for factories, this is soo much better than the current/old behavior!
That recall option is a load of cr@p, especially because we still don't have a similar option to eject laggers.
I have won plenty of games where the rest of the team thought it impossible.
We can work on an option to eject laggers, but what do you define as someone 'lagging'? Internet lag, or a slow computer?
For people who have a slow simspeed it should be relative to the other people in the game
Example - If one person is -2 less than the others over a period of more than 60 seconds
So sentons game is -3 but would be -1 without that person
This would be a useful mechanic as people with old laptop CPUS often do
wellslightly badly on the cpu test but after half an hour in game its just a waste of time. If they dont leave the game is lost through others leavinginternet lag/stutter is normally something that gets caught early on in my experience and is much less of an issue - the game is rehosted and problem goes away with a different player.
@nooby Part 1/2 for the new CPU Benchmark is already in progress. in the last game update in your prefs file it has been gathering data on how well the cpu performance and once enough data is gathered this will replace the current cpu benchmark to give a more realised cpu score. the more you play the more the result will be realistic and the cpu benchmark button will be removed as it is done automatically.
@jip said in Upcoming developers patch:
We can work on an option to eject laggers, but what do you define as someone 'lagging'? Internet lag, or a slow computer?
Both, but the most common is the simlag. Laptops with insane Turboboost that produce a very nice bench score and then 20 minutes in the simspeed completely crashes and they are easily 4 simspeeds below me while I have 50 pts higher (=worse) cpu benchscore. Or software-streamers that enable the stream after the bench.
Even if you (team)kill them you are still dependent on them leaving the game. Once someone is below zero and also below others it should become possible to initiate a kickvote. For all I care it only requires 1 player in the same team. But make it a lobby setting so all these people who are emotionally attached to playing with lag can continue to do so... but not in my game.
Especially dead players that didn't leave the game and drag down the simspeed are a pain the ass. Those should be instantly auto-ejected for all I care.Less common are the assholes that need 5 minutes at 800 ping to figure out that they need to kill the Steam downloads. Any other game would have already ejected them.
@rowey said in Upcoming developers patch:
@nooby Part 1/2 for the new CPU Benchmark is already in progress. in the last game update in your prefs file it has been gathering data on how well the cpu performance and once enough data is gathered this will replace the current cpu benchmark to give a more realised cpu score. the more you play the more the result will be realistic and the cpu benchmark button will be removed as it is done automatically.
Nice. But how will it work exactly? I tend to keep some Youtube (example) on the side as long as MY simspeed is >0. So you might see it going down toward 0 very fast, but when the game drags on... I kill any background use and still remain >0.
It works as described here:
I've been keeping an eye on this. Will the mod integration be part of the patch notes when it is fully implemented?
Yes, it will be.
The draft of the changelog can be found in the third post:
It also contains a reference to the list of soon-to-be deprecated mods. Mod authors can update their mods to make it compatible again. I've notified the authors that I could find.
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