Patch 3732 - 3735
@jip said in Patch 3732:
@master-chief said in Patch 3732:
Off topic wish: visibility status in lobby (friends or public), because sometimes we don´t recognize this and wait ... but of course, nobody can come
@MarcSpector this may be a nice feature too, for the client
Thanks for the good idea. I also fell for this trap once. I will create the suggestion in the client's repository.
@rengaruu said in Patch 3732:
Would it be possible to add a very high fidelity LOD graphic setting ?
Introduced with #3775, available on the FAF Develop game type. See the graphics options, you have to scroll a tiny bit to see the last one.
It requires:
- Fidelity set to High
- Shadows set to High (to get improved shadows)
- Level of Detail set to High (to get improved LOD)
In case you set in-game, then it applies to the next game.
@jip hello Jip, where can I find the log files? I guess they are somewhere on my pc. Or do you have something before the game, then I don´t have them.
@master-chief said in Patch 3732:
@jip hello Jip, where can I find the log files? I guess they are somewhere on my pc. Or do you have something before the game, then I don´t have them.
And then find the log that matches your replay id.
@snagglefox found and fixed, see also:
Thank you for reporting it. If you find the time to sandbox the issue with the experimental strategic launcher then it is appreciated
J Jip referenced this topic on
Here we go. Was able to reproduce the nuke bug.
Was too lazy to clip the video. Just skip towards the end, I nuke rock and the bug occurs. Was able to do it again with another nuke right after the end of the clip.
Interesting - thank you. There are no errors, so I'm not sure why it happens.
edit: yet.
I keep forgetting to mention, it seems in the dev version a lot more trees are starting broken already. For instance, I've noticed every time I'm started as mid on Seton's north side, the tree in the path towards the hydro are mostly broken whereas in the live version they aren't. I can't remember if other spots are similar, but I do know other people similarly complained while in other spots.
I'll look into it - thank you for sharing.
I've accumulated all the changes in the change log. See the second post of this topic or find the latest version on Github.
If you contributed - please go over it and ensure that your contributions are acknowledged. The relevant commits start at the third page of the commit history, right after commit ad3a67.
J Jip referenced this topic on
@snagglefox said in Patch 3732:
I keep forgetting to mention, it seems in the dev version a lot more trees are starting broken already. For instance, I've noticed every time I'm started as mid on Seton's north side, the tree in the path towards the hydro are mostly broken whereas in the live version they aren't. I can't remember if other spots are similar, but I do know other people similarly complained while in other spots.
Tree groups on FAF Develop
Tree groups on the FAF branchYou are correct, I'm not sure if this is brutally vital however. The spawn-in animation changed to improve the fidelity of the game. I'll see if I can fix this, but if I can't without breaking the animation then I'm afraid that this is a loss that we'll have to take.
@Jip how can you see that view of the tree groups like that? I will say that the north front spawn is already weaker than the south front spawn on Seton’s so that’ll be a further, though slight, nerf to north team. Does this also have an impact on other maps with lots of tree groups near the spawn like Selkie for instance?
I appreciate you looking into it! It might not seem major, but as a mainly mid player that uses a double fac opener, it's quite a big change since every little bit of reclaim matters.
This appears to be quite close to the original - is that sufficient?
And you need cheats as enabled.
That looks much better! The most important bit are the trees on the top right which looks like you fixed for the most part. Thank you!!
New patch lookin good !
All I would add to the com entry explosion would be to err on the lower side to preserve at least the same amount of tree groups even if it means sometimes you may end up with one or two more.
What I do want to bring up, is something I have notice from replays, that seems to have crept in since the patch for overcharge spill damage to shields, is that a single mobile shieldgen can be destroyed when the unit covered is overcharged, even when it is out of range of the aoe or the gun even.
I'm not sure if this was intended behavior or not? seems a bit much I know non-Sera mobile shields have been hit by the nerf-bat a few times already.
It also reduces micro opportunities for retreating your depleted shield to let it recover, I feel the shield should only be destroyed if targeted directly or in the aoe at least.
I thought this might have been a bug but still happens in faf-dev, made a quick replay to show.
It's an intended behavior that was introduced in this patch:
yes but was it intended to affect shields that are even only just covering the other unit that is overcharged ?
oh just to add in the replay the overcharge kills the Athanah several shots before the Othuum is destroyed
If OC depletes the shield of a mobile shield then it kills it. Even if it does so with its AoE.
i mean did you look at the replay ? shieldgen is way outside of AcU and Oc aoe range but still dies (due to how it was coded i am guessing).
I noticed this more when gun coms are auto oc vs an army with some shields they die sometimes even when on the fringe of combat