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Posts made by Yew
This game is a lot better on steam, just play there instead
Just play on steam instead. I've found that all my problems with faf go away when I don't use the faf client to play the game. The steam version is superior in a number of ways.
For you personally, obviously no recall exists so that would be of great benefit to you.
Additionally, you will find that the game runs a lot smoother on steam, and there are practically 0 connection issues with players. It is very rare for someone to disconnect from a steam game, unlike faf which has been plagued with this issues since it's inception probably.
Some other small things too. Players are generally nice and are just there to play the game and chill. Of course it is still competitive, but not nearly as sweaty and unpleasant as faf. One of the downsides though is that the player base in steam is sadly quite small. Other than that, steam is great for playing this game.
Please point out where I say anything of the kind. I am curious if and by how much we can rely on 4 year data. Surely it's not exactly the same.
Preference by and large probably does remain the same.
News flash: You do not need to be in the client all day long to find out the name history of a user.
@brutus5000 said in Time to go:
@yew said in Time to go:
@brutus5000 said in Time to go:
It's Endranii, once again pointing out how silly the renaming thing is.
Right click user check name history. Checkmate server admin guy.
In the forum? On mobile? Tell me more, Mr. Passive Aggressive
In the Forged Alliance Forever Client, Mr. Woke Snowflake
How relevant is 4 year data?
@brutus5000 said in Time to go:
It's Endranii, once again pointing out how silly the renaming thing is.
Right click user check name history. Checkmate server admin guy.
Here's how:
- Delete all 5x5 maps from the pool (maybe 1 is acceptable)
Reason: 95%> of 5x5 map games end within 15minutes, which I bet for most players is not fun. Therefore anything larger, like the customary 10x or 20x maps incentivise longer gameplay. You can rationalise this logic by using an endless amount of analogies. Here's a few.
Analogy 1 - I like to watch TV shows, and find great pleasure in binge watching them. One of my favourite TV shows is Dexter. I recently binge watched the first 5 series (for the second time). When I begin my binge watching, I don't just watch 10 minutes of one episode, or 18 minutes of an episode, what is the point of that, unless you suddenly have to stop watching it for whatever reason. At minimum I watch a full episode, which ranges from 45 - 60 minutes. Often I would watch back to back episodes. By doing this, I see the full arc and plot of the episode, and become engrossed in the story and characters being portrayed.
Analogy 2 - I am partial to a bit of online, and over the board chess. It's a timeless game that millions enjoy. Now imagine a chess game where you're playing bullet chess. Games last <3minutes. Imagine further that every piece on the board is removed for both players, except their king, and 1 or 2 pawns. Each player has 2/3 pieces. Imagine further, instead of the standard 8x8 board of 64 squares, you now have a 3x3 board of 9 squares. Now picture how this hypothetical game looks and feels as a player. It would be very fast, and frankly boring, in which both players gain little to no satisfaction in playing. At least by playing with all your pieces on a full size board you can explore the 10^120 possible moves the game has to offer.
Analogy 3 - As a lover of crisps (potato chip), I can easily devour any size portion of crisps, such as the 30g bag, a 50g bag, 100g or 200g sharing bag, no problem. Let's take the standard serving size bag which is typically around 30g. I open the bag, and I begin eating the contents. I eat the whole bag and finish the contents. The same applies to most bags up to 200g, where I will often save at least half a 200g bag, or a 1/3 if I'm feeling fat that day. I would never open a bag of crisps (30g) eat 1 or 2 crisps and leave the bag to eat later. I will eat the whole bag. There is little point or pleasure in eating a few crisps from the bag, when the bag has so much more to offer, i.e. it's entirety, of which provides a full and satiating serving.
Similarly, I do not enjoy playing this game for such a short period of time. I want to maximise my fun by playing for not too short a time, but equally not too long a time. Personally, I enjoy games that last a minimum of 40 - 60 minutes irl time. The game has a large scope, with many units, many things to do and actions to execute. This can not be explored to any real degree in such a limited and constrained scenario, of which, a 5x5 1v1 ladder match essentially is.
I understand that many players gain the most satisfaction from playing this game by simply defeating their opponent. Being the victor, the superior player is very satisfying, maybe the most satisfying aspect of any competitive game that requires you to end the virtual existence of your opponent. Defeating them fast can only serve to boost this feeling too right.
But take a step back. In the context of this game. Are you really serving the higher good by beating opponents as fast as humanly possible. Is that encouraging players to want to play more? How sure are you to get another game after you just spend 97 minutes in a queue only to have killed your guy, or being killed by the guy in a mere 9 minutes and 34 seconds? Is playing the game and winning in 9 minutes and 34 seconds more satisfying, pleasurable and entertaining than playing for 43 minutes and 12 seconds, win or lose?
The game was made to have fun, to remove you temporarily from the absurdity that is real life. Yes part of that fun involves beating an opponent in it's online competitive variant, but it's not the only aspect of it.
I disagree with the statement, " almost solely because of selfish moderation."
If FAF is dying and in decline as you posit, I think it's attributable to the dyer connectivity problems and recent insane game lagging by way of drastic FPS loss players are facing.
I for one, having frequented this game like a crackhead in crackden, am becoming pretty tired and fed up not being able to fully satiate my addiction.
I cannot remember the last time I had a full uninterrupted game where someone didn't disconnect or I myself did not lose connection to a player. It is impossible nowadays to have a full smooth game with 0 disconnects.
Reminds me of Youtube getting rid of the dislike counter.
FAF board of directors and shareholders should focus on fixing connection issues and important things like that instead of changing things that don't need changing.
Tempest and czars are also factory's, but do suffer from the same manufacturing inadequacies.
Granted Aeon technology is far superior to UEF's, and are likely utilising materials and engineering not yet discovered by the UEF. But for the purpose of this game and "balance", I do think they should get a HP boost.
There is also the Fatboy MK II, I'm not sure how it compares to the Wyvern. Both are certainly far stronger than the base unit Fatboy
Can an exception not be made given it is an experimental unit, but I tend to agree about being consistent.
The hp should just get buffed then or at least vet buff on hp
We know fatboys are made of cellotape, cardboard and paper mache, but at least give them some decent HP bonus with attaining veterancy.
A fatboy with no veterancy has 12,500 hp
A fatboy with full 5 star veterancy has 18,500 hp.
That seems very underwhelming and weak when you compare the full veterancy attained for any other experimental land unit.
I understand it's based on it's base HP, and given the majority of a fatboy's health comes from it's shield, perhaps apply the veterancy to the shield instead of hp, or a combination of the 2?
6 months is an utter travesty. Why even create thread, gather the opinions of players if you're just going to ignore them. 12 > 6 months is somewhat a compromise, but I agree with @FtXCommando
"6 months is still ridiculous, 3 months is barely tolerable, 2 months is acceptable"
Hover is overpowered, by a considerable amount.
Despite one having at least two times, maybe three, four or more the mass value in a naval fleet, you cannot counter an enemy who makes one hundred factory's or more that spams t1 hover and t2 hover spam.
It's a low skill tactic but has tremendous power in a game vs a player of any calibre, rendering a skilled opponents ability effectively meaningless.
There is nothing you can do beside meet fire with fire, and lower yourself to this low skilled yet highly effective tactic.
It makes for a very miserable experience, not only in it's mindless effectiveness, but also the reduction in simpeed it inevitably induces.
Maybe the issue is related to the ICE-Adapter high CPU usage bug. In case you or other readers are not following the Discord thread, I will quote the following:
Ravandel said in Discord
An alpha test client has been released with a rolledback ice-adapter version. the devs would like you guys to try it out, and let us know if the problem does not appear at all with this alpha test version.
This in order to figure out if it is caused by "recent" changes in the ice-adapter or by something else. If it does happen with the alpha test version also then those changes can be ruled out.
Note: you can install this alpha version alongside your normal install, and you can play games with other people running the normal client as well.
I would be grateful if you could test the Alpha 2 client and provide feedback to help narrow down the issue.
I came across this thread in dc yesterday.
Also yesterday I had 2 consecutive client updates, and I'm now using the 2024.5.1 - alpha - 2 version of the client. I will see if I notice any improvements to my situation.
According to one player who has had the same issue, he fixed it by completely reinstalling his Windows. He found it was the OpenJDK causing the issue, the Ice Adapter.
User Katsu claims putting log level of ice adapter to "error" instead of "debug" helps
settings - general tab, in the very bottom
can you please try and report if that helps?
or maybe anytime this issue happens someone can check the logs afterwards and check how many lines of log it produced during the last few minutes
I'll give this a go and see if it makes any difference