I already do challenges on my main account occasionally, not as extreme as engineer only, but its probably frustrating anyway for a new player to play a handicapped pro for the pro's enjoyment. I think this idea should be limited to 0 to x series
Posts made by waffelzNoob
RE: Proposal for [Challenge Accounts] | Feedback Wanted!
RE: aeon t3 shield
Cybran shields are not "tolerable". They are disgustingly bad. ED5 costs 1.18x more than a seraphim t3 shield, for 78% of its shield hp. That makes seraphim shields 1.5x better, or cybran shields 66% as effective as seraphim t3 shields. On the contrary aeon shields have the most shield HP per mass and as a result are the cheapest to assist. On top of that the aeon artillery is far and away the strongest for its mass, with cybran, again, being the weakest.
If you really have the game balance's best interest in mind and want to complain about shielding (in relation to t3 artillery), then complain about cybran
RE: Proposal for [Challenge Accounts] | Feedback Wanted!
@IndexLibrorum said in Proposal for [Challenge Accounts] | Feedback Wanted!:
This might be a consequence of the rating in the beginning not yet being settled. An account that already has a bit of a 'steady' rating at ~800 would help, I think.
Or at 0 rating, so that <800 can be instructed. And perhaps that trueskill deviation be decreased manually at some points if possible, so that a winstreak doesn't bring the account from e.g. 1200 to 1800 too quickly?
@IndexLibrorum said in Proposal for [Challenge Accounts] | Feedback Wanted!:
Not sure what you mean with 'not play more than one game at a time'. You mean per day, or?
One game per few hours, because if players play what is pretty much a smurf account even twice in a row it may demotivate them from queueing more.
This would mean the content isn't streamable but guide videos are still great for putting out educational contentRating compensation should also be considered so that players won't complain about losing elo in unfair games
RE: Proposal for [Challenge Accounts] | Feedback Wanted!
I think a challenge account for educational purposes, i.e. a "road to grandmaster" guide series, is justifiable. An actual challenge account less so, with how small our community is. Considering this I think there should be 1 MAYBE 2 of these accounts active at a time, and that the user does not play more than 1 game at a time because playing more could temporarily drive people away from matchmaker.
Also, currently elo is gained too quickly for an actually educational "road to grandmaster" series. They'd hit 1500 in like 5 games and that's way too little to teach an 800 how to get past 800.
RE: Old Share Tournaments
I think the td is aware but just wants to host a tournament his way
RE: 3v3 Seasonal Mapgen Tourney
the person who selected all of the maps that may be tailoured to their taste knows them ahead of time, and signs up for the same tournament? easy first pick for the captains guys!
RE: u1900 1v1 Tournament
@Grimplex said in u1900 1v1 Tournament:
nuggets be cheating at this point
Wait til bro reaches 1300 global and tmm
RE: u1900 1v1 Tournament
I'm willing to sign up and play onehanded if everyone is ok with that. I'm ~2130 in ladder but maybe 1300-1500 with one hand
Just an idea for fun
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024 Qualifier 2
sign up as substitute for when a top 8 drops out and there is no other substitute available whatsoever
RE: Idea to generate revenue for the FAF project ( you will not like it )
just add paid acu cosmetics and emotes already
RE: Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread
I think it's a pretty creative map. Boring is subjective and I don't get what you mean with "poorly designed". Its visuals are simple but not ugly
Playing versus aeon on it definitely sets you back though because of the early aurora in mid but there are ways to go around it. Think ghetto gunship, jester, rushing a naval fac, walking acu over to reclaim enemy naval fac, or playing very aggressively on land while your opponent spent time controlling the middle and building pgens trying to accommodate all that mass. There's plenty reclaim on land to fuel these strategies early onIt's not easy but there are things you can try doing to win over your aeon opponent. Things other than simple t1 spam that most other maps encourage
RE: Check out a new mod
@Nuggets its just a mod vro let bro have his fun 🦦
RE: How can I remove a MAP I uploaded
look for your map in the map vault and then click "Hide"
RE: Seasonal / Regular Tournaments
In my early days of FAF it felt like the community was MUCH more tight, from my perspective. There were people rated from 1000-1600 who regularly participated in tournaments like WWPC and were active in conversations in aeolus and the forums. They knew the pros and the pros knew them. They were very happy to chat with and train people who wanted to join the scene (like me). Names like Scoot, Greenio, MayorDamage, and Hascins come to mind. These players would also host their own tournaments. They didn't have to be so grand to be exciting, have a look at this one. https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=10627
Sadly WWPC died not too long after, but the scene was very welcoming and having a group of inviting people at the lower ratings kind of gave me an 'entry ticket' to the overall community. Aeolus was a regular chatroom that joes and pros alike would use so you could hop on FAF and have a chat with them the moment you got on. If you, a newcomer, said hi, you'd likely be greeted back by one of these players. Discord didn't exist back then so the client was the main place for communication, and it was accessible to everyone.
Comparing that to FAF these days, aeolus has turned into a cesspool of doddering oddfolk and degenerates. I don't even look at aeolus anymore. Write in aeolus as a newcomer and you'll likely be ignored. Instead of aeolus, there's personal Discord servers but good luck getting in there as a random. The tournament forums are not appealing to low rated players because there are few tournaments and the 'community feeling' isn't there to motivate you to sign up and show up because you don't know anyone. The main Discord helps remedy this but due to its size the cohesive feeling isn't the same. Compared to the tight community in 2015-2016, this community feels largely dissociated.
In any case, low rated tournaments are rare because the turnup to sign-up rario is low. I think this feeling of a tight community played a very strong role in the motivation of lower rated players signing up for and actuallly playing tournaments. This would in turn fuel people's interest in hosting their own tournaments. Remove the tight community feeling -> reduced tournament interest -> reduced amount of tournaments hosted. This old feeling was kind of revived somewhere in 2019-2020 with Blodir hosting a series of Blitz 1v1 tournaments. They were simple and didn't have a prize beyond an avatar. I think there exists the misconception that every tournament has to be this grand thing with a huge prize pool, which doesn't help. I guess be the change you want to see, let the others know they can bring up their tournament ideas without 10 million dollar prize pools and see where it takes us
Europe putting up their D-team lineup for a more fair match against the US A-team
cool idea, looking forward to it