I’ll let better-qualified people weigh in, but in the meantime just a big thank you to Brutus and all who are donating their free time to protect FAF from these imbeciles.
RE: Should I stay or should I Go?
RE: Transport not dropping on plateau
Thanks Crofis.
With discriminations like this, I’m starting to understand why the Seraphim loathe humankind. -
Transport not dropping on plateau
Is there a reason a Seraphim t1 transport won't drop engies on the middle plateau of Broken Vows? The unload location was empty, but the transport twice dropped beside the plateau instead.
Replay: #24356247
Time: 6:15 and again 7:10 -
RE: Factory build queue templates
If I remember correctly:
- Select a factory and create a queue with what you want in the template.
- Click that little icon (one of those in the factory UI, above the queue) that I believe has a small “+” in it. You won’t get any sign that it is saved, but it will be saved under the templates.
- You may or may not need to restart the game.
- Select the factory (use same faction). In that icon row, there is one for the templates. Clicking on it should show you an icon (or several) of a unit. Click on it and your factory will build the saved queue.
- Note that there is a hot key to tell the factory to build what’s in the template queue.
RE: Possible to pull players’ APM from replays?
Thanks! I’ll give it a try.
Possible to pull players’ APM from replays?
As the title says. I’d be curious to look at a replay and see how everyone’s APM compared. Are there existing tools like this?
RE: Minimap not Showing Up
Maybe someone else has the solution, but here’s a potential workaround: there’s a mod “ZeP minimap” or something similar that I’d recommend. It shows the minimap, but only when you’re zoomed in.
RE: Can you turn on mods without having to create a custom game?
Ah, that’s great, thank you. You’d think I would have checked the Mods tab before asking
Can you turn on mods without having to create a custom game?
One (cumbersome) way to turn on an installed mod is to create a custom game and turn on the mod in that menu. Is there a better way though?
RE: NextGen UI mods?
Ah, duh
Thank you. I figured all the hotkey options under Target Priorities were legacy options from the other mod I used.
RE: NextGen UI mods?
This looks very promising, thank you Ctrl-K! Looking forward to trying them out.
A quick question: for the "Specific Target Priorities", what key is the "keybind" you mention? I didn't find it in the in-game key bindings, or the two lua files (Mod_info or PriorityMapper). Basically, how does one activate the priorities?
RE: Question on shield assist mechanics
This is great to know. Thank you deletethis, Maudlin and Nomander!
Question on shield assist mechanics
I’m trying to understand how efficient it is to assist shields, versus building additional ones. I could do sandbox experiments but figure some of you have these answers already.
Does assisting a shield cost only energy?
Does it just repair the shield under fire, or also speed up getting a collapsed shield back up?
Are there aspects on factional diversity or T2 versus T3 shields that change how wise it is to assist shields?
Curious to hear some advanced players’ thoughts on this.
RE: SACU Rebalance
For Cybran SACUs: short-distance area teleport?
May or may not be a good idea, but what’s more Cybran than 4 Bricks and a SACU suddenly appearing next to your air grid because you didn’t spot them activating the teleport ability.
RE: FAF Client Weirdness
Wait so what explains the Chinese text? Just curious.
"Trying to change army focus" - Map won't reveal when game ends
Is it just me, or has there been a change that now one can't see the whole map reveal itself once the game is over?
Perhaps one of my mods? Normally, you'd see also the opponent's base, but not anymore for me.I also noticed a weird message recorded in the replay. When checking the chat of the replays (for example #22108577), it says for both players:
Is trying to change armyocus from 2 to -1 via SetFocusArmy!
RE: Losing connection to random player during the game
Consistently top-notch troubleshooting advice from @MostLostNoob . I wish every game I play/software I use had someone giving such detailed guidance to fixing issues. Really nice to have volunteers like you (and many others) who make FAF a better experience for everyone.
RE: SupremeCommander printed models
You fool, what have you done? Now that you’ve brought these units into the real world, it’s only a matter of time until ISIS gets its hands on a Megalith.
Good example of what happens when FAF players don’t play the campaign first and don’t learn the lessons Dr. Brackman had to offer.