Although this would be quite nice to get in the base FAF game. It's extremely rare that you care which (stationary) nuke launcher is being used.
RE: Quick Nuke Launch button missing
RE: SACU Rebalance
Late to this party but I was listening to the balance team meeting recording posted to the youtube channel talking about this.
Unique Cybran ability - EMP enhancement field
My idea would be to give the Cybran support commanders a field that gives all allied units in the area the EMP stun effect on all their weapons (excluding AA).
The field does not apply EMP itself directly to enemy units.It will probably need tuning to how the stun affects higher tier units and to add some sort of stun cool down so large dense armies can't just stun lock everything to death for free.
It's significantly different to the Aeon Chrono fields because it's not applied directly to the enemy units, instead acting as a buff to nearby units. -
RE: Username rules updates
As an infrequent player who can only get a few games in a month, rarely checks the forums or discord, I think I'm with the majority of players (by count if not by playtime).
My opinion: I do not care about this rule one way or another.However most of you should be banned for rudeness. Fucking hell. It's just changing your name.
To add few other thoughts:
More people watch FAF than play - it is confusing when people change their names from what they are generally known as.
A lot of youtube comments on casts are people explaining the name changes of high rated players who are regularly casted; "TheWeakie is farms" etc. Perhaps that actually helps channel engagement but still.
I agree how much this should be allowed to constrict the people who actually play is debatable.
Perhaps some tooling to help casters manage the names of people in replays would help this issue. Something to view name history or a mod that will allow you to override display names based on the user id. I don't know how technically feasible that is @JipI like the "Nickname @Username" idea, it would be a good compromise.
RE: Is this game impossible to play with Steelseries arctis 9?
Turn off Sonar or try switching to the actual headphone output in the windows sound source before you start the game.
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
Do the changes to the Cybran ACU torp upgrade cancel out so the DPS is unchanged?
(damage 250 upped to 500, number of projectiles 4 to 2)With the buffs to t1 sub health it could make it much harder for a torp com to deal with mass t1 subs.
RE: Developers Iteration I of 2023
I just want another thank you to @Jip and the rest of the contributors for all the work they've put in to keep improving the game!
RE: Weekly Discussion #17 - Do we really need TMLs?
As a noob the main difficulty I have with TML is awareness. It can be very easy to miss incoming missile attacks for some time if my concentration is elsewhere.
One aware it's fairly easy to counter with static defenses. A relatively big investment for early snipe attempts which can be countered just by moving your ACU around frequently, if anything it encourages you to keep using the ACU rather than park them up.
A better or unique icon for the in-flight missiles might be nice or a unique explosion sounds. A ping when the TML first missile comes into vision range would be lovely but perhaps make it too easy. -
RE: T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers
Give engineers an auto dodge to help out decrypted old players with 0 awareness and 0 APM like me.
Also why not buff t1 maa range and damage to make it effective to build one to guard a key expansion area?
RE: Gauging interest for new gamemode (Full Share-lite)
sorry for reviving a dead thread but this sounds like a great game mode for playing with my non-pvp playing friends when we play against the AI or a survival map.
Also in pvp both teams will have the same ability to com bomb and you can still be punished for it. If the rest of your team com bombs then your team is much more vulnerable to sniping.
I don't think there's any suggestion this would become a serious competitive game mode, so why focus on that so much?
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Double all transporters capacity.
Double t2 transport health.
Make t1 and t2 ships transportable
Units can survive transport crash (but take damage)Fast moving tender ships/subs that can repair and reclaim
All factions get commander leg upgrade options:
- Straight armour upgrade
- 'Overcharge' legs to move faster temporarily
- Blink ability for short range teleport for energy cost
- err... knee based SAM launchers?
RE: TheDuelist's Dueling 2v2 Duel
Are noobs welcome? I only have about 150 ranked games played - and only played a handful of 2v2 ladder so my ranking is very, err, provisional.
RE: Nvidia driver performance problem
This fix suggested in another thread worked for me when I tried it quickly just now:
Please open the ingame console and type:
d3d_windowscursorI'll try it in a longer game tonight
RE: Bad stutter in vanilla SupCom
@Uveso This seems to have fixed if for me in FAF. I'll try it out in a proper game tonight.
RE: Nvidia driver performance problem
Yeah it's definitely related to the cursor. If you whip your cursor around you can effectively pause the game. Don't touch it and it seems to run pretty much fine. How annoying.