@FtXCommando you are likely to substitute a single player, but not an entire team. Look at previous 3v3 tourney
I agree that this is kinda gambling with the bracket though
@FtXCommando you are likely to substitute a single player, but not an entire team. Look at previous 3v3 tourney
I agree that this is kinda gambling with the bracket though
@Nuggets Imo more players could play if there was softer limit on num of captains, like 9. Will see how it goes tomorrow (hopefully I’ll be wrong), but usually 8 registered teams doesn’t mean that 8 teams will actually play.
But almost everyone got a team still, I would call it very good result nevertheless.
@Nuggets said in Old Share Tournaments:
This was used in the previous 2v2 tourney (cant remember who the host was). Its the same thing. It makes almost no difference, as when the army dies its just over because all expansions get instantly overrun.
While it's true that in most games death of 1 ACU meant lost battle, it's not so clear that is was due to partial share. In most cases teams were losing ACUs because they were losing a game, not vice versa.
There was quite a number of prolonged games after death of one commander. Namely Swato vs Arch in #23560573, Banani vs Resi in #23560840, two Wars in #23560778, #23561855 Swato vs Nuggets (does anyone remember who is this guy?) as well as #23560886, #23561230.
As an active participant you might not pay enough attention to them. But still they were a considerable part of that tournament overall. There is not enough evidence to dismiss partial share so easily.
Кэш пробовал чистить?
All prizes & avatars has been gifted over a month ago.
Since maximum allowed upload size is 4 MB the archive with all tournnament replays is divided into two parts. Archivator should easily handle it by default.
I've also added all relevant info about tournament in the form of the table in the first post. Additionaly I've calculated performance for all teams participants. I believe this is the most detailed reported about any tournament so far, hope someone will find this very interesting.
@Sainse said in Double Allied Tournament 3:
Performance table
Both stages. Rating at the moment of registration is taken into account. Rating is not re-evaluated after each tournament game. Forfeited, auto-won or byed games are not taken into account.
Team Avg Opponent Rating Trueskill Performance Trueskill Performance - 3σ Player Average Score Nugt 4112.3 4362.3 4157.1 2078.6 7/9 Swat 4087.6 4237.6 4036.2 2018.1 6/9 Yudi 4167.4 4292.4 4088.5 2044.3 4/6 Bully 4154.6 4404.6 4253.7 2126.8 3/5 Arch 4038.3 4188.3 4044.5 2022.3 4/7 Nyx 3985.8 4110.8 3994.9 1997.4 1.5/3 Zlo 4034.5 4060.8 3938.2 1969.1 1.5/4 Resi 4086.5 4136.5 3969.1 1984.6 2/6 Wilo 4036.0 4061.0 3966.6 1983.3 1/5 Parad 4052.7 4027.7 3903.9 1952.0 1/5 Limez 3959.3 3659.3 3561.7 1780.8 0/3
UPD. Self-correction: i've messed up numbers. The updated table should be correct.
I didn't account for 2 players per team in initial table. It caused the sigma to be way higher resulting in much lower performance per two players.
@Kilatamoro said in Add high unit cap lobby options:
You ever tried ordering a thousand units to move somewhere? They stop and start thinking, may take them several seconds before they start moving again. With 9k units it may take half a minute.
Unit cap and pathfinding are two different things. You can give a single move order to 1k units now, it has nothing to do with the unit cap.
@Sprouto said in Add high unit cap lobby options:
The game simply doesn't have the memory to support games that size - even if the performance could handle it.
First time I'm hearing this. What size exactly?
Add 3k, 6k and 9k unit cap options in lobby. It's not 2010 and vast majority of people have good CPUs. These lobby options would allow to play without thinking about unit cap under any circumstances.
Unit cap happens rarely but when it happens it’s pretty annoying. This option would allow to prevent it completely.
@Skrat said in I want to make a big narrative video about the history of FAF:
Ну тут без Зло не разобраться)
Звучит как будто сразу еще и литровую открывать нужно
You just need to increase the output of the mines and increase the cost of improvement.
It can’t even theoretically replace current gameplay. Those two things are different and to do not just “increase output of mines”. Mass storage cap have lower return rate but provides more mass storage.
Similar problem including mobile devices where there is no ad block whatsoever
@miki1900 said in Faf Ranking rename:
if u havent sports knowlege u dont understand gold and silver, bronze too...
Everyone knew bronze < silver < gold since 3000 b.c. before sports even existed
what diamond?
what master?
Goes after gold.
The tournament is over. Congratulations to:
Thanks for everyone who participated or watched the event. Thanks for registrants who warned beforehand about being a little bit later or not being able to participate. It has made simultaneous management of table match ups much easier.
I was pretty happy about the format and the mod. The mod wasn't intended to be super strong in every map provided. Yet we've saw some pretty good combat SACUs even on some less expected maps. And that's without breaking game balance. The Swiss with rolling rounds allowed for swifter match ups, which was already noticeable at 11 teams and would be even more noticeable if we had 16-20 teams like in DAT2. I'll look forward to perfect it in the future. Maybe I'll make a separate math/stats/discussion post about tourney formats later on.
What should the diamond be? The master? You’ll go out of options way before grandmaster.
After some additional thinking I've decided to replace challonge table with manual table for the stage 1 due to Challonge Swiss's functionality limitations. Challonge table will still be provided for Stage 2.
While I understand the unfamiliarity with this approach, the only thing I've done is to provide faster match ups and better experience for participants. The manual table will be posted and refreshed in Discord just as quickly as I would have done it in Challonge.
Extended Swiss system description
**6 rounds. To progress into second stage you need to have at least 4 scores out of 6. **
Initial seed is based on combined rating. Match ups during the tournament decided by current score.
Same teams match ups won't repeat more than twice. Second exact match up won't occur before round 4. Team's forfeit makes all played and not played games of this team annulated (lost).
How to download HQ SACU sim mod?
Method 1. Search and download it in the vault.
Method 2. Start replay https://replay.faforever.com/23560311 . The mod will automatically download.
Method 3. Join my lobby named "DAT3 HQ SACU download" (not guaranteed to be available during tournament).
Registration is closed.
Thanks for everyone who wanted about their absence in advance. If there are any more participants who cannot join the tournament - please tell it before tournament starts.
Challonge table and additional updates will be published a couple of hours before the beginning. Start, as you, will be at 13.00 UTC.