Just curious about this, but what if you could play the campaign as just a support commander instead of the actual commander.
Now I know this sounds retarded to most of you but think about this for a moment. Everyone seeks a challenge in most games but what if the support commander you spawn as is all you get for commanders. Relying on engineers for build power sounds easy but in all actuality, it is very difficult for other missions. For example, the final missions for Cybran and Aeon OG campaigns Are very difficult with Just your commander for build power. Support Commanders make it easy but what if you only have 1 support commander and no other commanders for build power. I will tell you it gets much more difficult.
Just a thought I had today. I do tests on missions when I get some weird ideas. This was my weird idea for today. I may not be experienced in multiplayer, but I am experienced in the campaigns. I ran through some of the missions today where I only use a support commander as my commander and use engineers for build power. You would be surprised by how much pain it is to play the last mission of the og campaign of Aeon using just a support commander and engineers. SMDs are a must and keeping shields up is impossible when having to deal with Exps and t3 Arty and Nukes. Making it through the mission is rough. if you lose the control center, you have to restart the mission
I'm just saying that if people are looking for a challenging campaign maybe try that.