Only time I seen this is in Dualgap with russians who want easy advantage. So sure lets ban them for it

RE: Suggesting rule change: make immediately unpausing after a player asked for a pause against the rules.
RE: Can't Host new Co-OP Mission - Overlord Surth-Velsok
Yeah sure find someone who knows LUA to fix it
RE: u1900 1v1 Tournament
@TheWeakie Grimplex and Blast failed. Now for my turn.
RE: Are 3p and 4p coop leaderboards still not working?
Any 3 and 4 person coop games completed dont show up on leaderboards
NOC Resignation from TD Lead
Hello Everyone,
As the title suggests I am resigning from my role as Lead of the Tournament Director team.
This team currently consists of:
FarmsWith my resignation I will leave it up to the other tournament directors to decide who they wish to be their new leader via democratic vote.
My resignation is primarily due to a lowering amount of time I have available to host and run tournaments as well as various other reasons which do not need to be discussed.
In light of this as of tonight 15th December at Midnight GMT I will leave my office and allow the tournament team to decide their future and place their fate in new hands.
I wish to give a personal thank you to everyone for watching and participating in tournaments as well as a thank you to the rest of the tournament and FAFLive team for aiding in the running and streaming of these tournaments.
I will hang around and play FAF still but will not actively be managing tournaments.
Thank you and it has been a pleasure, I hope you enjoyed tournaments during my time in office.
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
Congratulations to Tagada coming 1st Place, commiserations to Nexus coming 2nd place but well played.
3rd Place going to Banani and 4th Place to Robogear.Thank you all for playing and watching.
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
Congrats to Tagada and Nexus getting to 1st place match.
3rd Place match is Banani & Robogear at 2pm UTC followed by the 1st place match after.Thank you to the other players.
5th - 8th all received $75 if you are able to receive and not subject to restrictions.
These are:
BlinchlkSee you tomorrow
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
In the event it goes to a 7th decider game, both players veto to 1 remaining map
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
Posting now as I wont be awake tomorrow morning most likely:
Each player gets 3 vetos.
Low seed, high seed, low seed, high seed, low seed, high seedHigh seed picks first map
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
The full map pool will be posted tomorrow morning
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
The 6th and final map is Mapgen 10 by 10 with 8 spawns
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
You will never believe it, the 5th map is Desert Arena
RE: Legend of the Stars 2024
In the theme of Christmas cheer:
Over the next 6 days before the Ro8. 1 Map will be released per day.
So you will see 6 out of a possible 15 maps.
First map will be released tomorrow.