@thomashiatt thanks lol. i tried searching but didn't see anything.
RE: Why do people play Dual Gap so much?
Why do people play Dual Gap so much?
Just wondering why people play the Dual Gap map so much in FAF. I've dabbled in it, and it's ok for a little while, but gets old quick. I don't understand how people can play it constantly, night after night. Don't the majority crave a more versatile experience?
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
more thoughts!! this is about the AI behaviour and unit composition, especially for navy
I'm not fan of the way the navy units horde. espcially in t3 onwards, the battleships, aircraft carriers etc will blindly suicide into my defenses. it's not especially satisfying. i would like the long ranged naval units to hold back in the same way that t3 mobile artillery do.
also the composition of naval units spawned is not very satisfying. i see t3 nuclear subs, aircraft carriers. these units are useless! can you please get these to spawn a lot less?
also similar, but less egregious, i'd like a change in the behaviour of the experimentals and bosses. i would like the long range ones to hold back more just within firing range.
i was thinking sometimes the passageways are narrow and exps/bosses/dooms take up a lot of space. maybe make it so the long range ones hold back, until there are more behind them wanting to move in, so they move in closer to make space
with the exps/bosses/dooms, when they get in your bases, they're not as devastating as they could be. they lack the cunning and effectiveness that a human would have. they just kind of stand there and take fire. i'd like them to be a lot more devastating in what they attack.
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
regarding the end game, you know what would be cool is when the main timer is over, there is a similar UI element. maybe it shows the number of dooms remaining to kill.
something to indicate that we are in a new stage of the game
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
otherwise, i'm enjoying the mod. the settings were overwhelming at first, but i've gotten to know them. i like how you split them up by category.
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
thematic suggestions:
- most survival games have a 30-40 min timer and when that timer finishes the game is won. the way you play your mod is different, and not particularly clear. i get the impression once the timer is up, that's when the doom waves start. it seems to be that you have to kill a couple of dooms, and then i'm not sure what happens. it's not very clear or satisfying.
you should make some text explaining what is happening and how to win. do you have to kill the dooms, do you have to kill the HQ? do units ever stop spawning?
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
nice to haves:
- reduced 2nd HQ spawn options. i only use one HQ. i have to scroll past those menu items every time, it's annoying.
- change order of wave tech progression, put slower at top. i'm always accidentally setting it to faster
- acu hunters suck. they are too tough. they don't feel realistic. reduce their hp or armour a bit if you can
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
I don't have the base defenses as high as you do. i have the HQ shields and turrets on the lowest setting. i like being able to destroy them
monkey's wishlist. i want the ability to:
- set normal nuke silos at hq (not 9 million hp crap)
- set lower level defenses at support bases
- adjust number of rifts spawned (currently linked to number of number of support bases). would like the default to be minimum 1, with an extra rift for each second player. what happens currently is there is a minimum of 3 support bases, when with playing 1 or 2 players there are 3 rifts spawning and it is horrible.
RE: Looking for feedback on whether people perceive more or fewer connection problems
@jip yep, much better now thank you. far more stable.
now i'm back to the old issues of players having slow cpus, or players being far away from each other e.g. russia to australia
RE: Connection issues never been this bad
hmm, both US and Germany are working for me now. Germany wasn't working for me yesterday.
I notice the coturn servers have changed. yesterday there were 7, today there are only 3.
RE: Connection issues never been this bad
@heavenly thanks for that suggestion. setting my coturn as US seems to have worked! Germany and Australia didn't.
RE: Cannot connect or host anymore?
i tried setting Germany 1 and Australia as my coturn. it didn't fix it, i just got a different error
Can't connect to most lobbies
Since getting the new client (2023.10.0), I can't connect to most lobbies. When I try joining, it brings up the lobby window which says "Connecting (Abort Connect)" and just stays there forever.
Tried restarting FAF. Tried restarting my computer.
I have been able to connect to 1 or 2 out of 8 games. No obvious pattern why.
When I try hosting, no one is able to join my game. It says "Player connecting" but they never connect.
Also, I can't see any players' countries. Not sure if that is related.
What is your CPU and CPU rating?
Hello. I recently retested my CPU benchmark test and got a score of 309. Yikes! no wonder my games have been slow. It's time for an upgrade.
I am wondering what CPUs and CPU scores you all have? for reference as i browse for a new computer.
Doing an online comparison of the CPU for a mid range pc i have in mind compared to my high end 2012 gaming pc (AMD Ryzen 5 5600 vs Intel Core i7 3770K) the website tells me it's only an effective speed increase of 25%! That seems low for ten years. Is this really going to be enough to get my CPU rating below 200?