adjustable LOD cutoffs
Allow players to manualy adjust lod cutoffs based on individual pc performance. like having a slider in the options menu in game.
Mutliple LODs exist in order to make performance better when there are too many units on screen at any one time.
This works by showing you lower res images the further you zoom out.
This is great for players who have low performing computers or moniters but looks really ugly for those of us running 4k.
However most people these days have very high performing computers, and would like to make the most of them even if faf only uses single core.
Single core stronk in modern computers!Most things get very ugly at the cut off like units and even props like tress and rocks. some dont even have a lod1 so they just disapear all together past 130 zoom.
Experimental graphics option should alleviate that a little bit by pushing all lod's by another 20-30%. But the answer to why can't we have the game show everything all the time is performance that is gonna massively vary between the maps and the game states. A game that is fine at the beginning might easily drop below dozen FPS where there is bunch of broken crap on it, like tree groups or stuff as the game is gonna simply throw too many draw calls at your GPU.
You can see the performance hit here:
Also, could ask more technically inclined people if it's possible to edit this parts of lua yourself to see if it's possible to push the experimental graphics option even more by yourself. -
@TheVVheelboy said in adjustable LOD cutoffs:
Also, could ask more technically inclined people if it's possible to edit this parts of lua yourself to see if it's possible to push the experimental graphics option even more by yourself.
Yes, you can call these two conexecutes from a ui mod as well. There are more settings possible. There are also mods that change a lot of them, but I forgot the name. I can look it up later, but if you search for "graphics" in the mod vault you might find it already
I wrote a small mod in 2018 to automatically adjust the LODs.
The function is located in AdvancedLOD\hook\lua\system\Blueprints.lua.
There, you can experiment with different settings to find what works best for you.
The code is documented and should clearly describe what happens in each line.The downside is that LOD settings are specified in the blueprint and then managed by the C# engine.
This means it can only be done with a SIM mod.If anyone is interested in experimenting with it or using it as a basis for something else, here is the code: