RCIII - Civilians ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200

Global = 1429

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Signups are still open until the 9th.

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I'm down, Exselsior currently ~1600 global

Signing Up
Wesh 1777 global

Signing Up
Wifi_ 1900 global

Signing up
2063 global
2185 ladder

ill sign up
2510 global
2228 ladder

Signing up
Global - 1822
Ladder - 1861

Bennis comes
Rating 1900 global 1750 ladder

The muffin man told me too.
1564 Global
1367 Ladder

Do you know the Muffin Man?

rating 2361

i sign up, if its possible for me to not be a captain. I just recently started playing again after more than half a year.
global 1941
ladder 2085

Signing up
global 1762 ladder 1654

I’ll sign up, 1921 global.

im in 1600 global

Ill sign up, 1998 ladder 1834 global