Ok so if I am watching the correct replay (#12288171) it appears to me that even as a non-SC expert, sending absolutely everything in to the same spot is a piss poor move either way attack move or not. Especially when you can see your own Ythotha death weapon floating around. (Witnessing what appears to be multiple factories sending units to the same spot on repeat)
While i was wrong about this particular replay being set to land only, it sure as hell played out like one. The first Ahwassa i saw did more damage than most-all of the ground army to that point. (33 ASF present at around 45 minute mark all one side)
If this is the kind of situation being complained about I see no reason to make any adjustments.
With this and minimal shielding throughout 3 of 4 players moderate air would have been the way to go. (Or even any air used correctly.)