Auroras in 1v1


So, I watched Blinchik swear a lot each time he was getting Aeon in the recent 1v1 tournament and cursing auroras. 1v1 is still my weakest, and I need some advice.

Some wise guy said that the best you can do is to skip T1 land as Aeon. So my question is how many T1 land factories do I build on 5km and 10km maps before I switch to T2?

This thread is not about discussing the balance of auroras. There is nothing to discuss here

Not directly an answer to your question, nor am I sure it's even effective, but lately I've been building less factories and just using engis to support the few I do build. Most of my games I'm only building 2-3 factories and using 3-5 engis per factory and I seem to be able to keep up with my opponents just fine. Maybe worth trying. But again, no idea if it's actually an efficient method or not.

What Snoog does is not optimal imo;

There is no way around Auroras in 1v1s. Ik it's easier said than done, but you'll have to get used to proper micro the entire game and push your opponent enough so he can't get gun (otherwise your Auroras are ded). Same with air, make sure to scout eventually, at some point air is recommended so your opponent can't just stack up multiple bombers and onepass your whole army.
Now that the gun range ACU isn't straight up busted anymore, I'm not even sure if picking Aeon is smth you want to do when playing e.g. ThetaPassage. I do remember some games against a strong 1v1 player where I picked Cybran and he rolled Aeon and it was basically a gg for me bc of that one. So just maining Aeon on any 5x5 / smaller 10x10 maps is smth you have to think about for a while.

My comment above is referring to high ranked 1v1 scene. For mid rank it's enough to use your mass efficient, get reclaim fast enough, pressure etc.


Why yall talking like aeon doesnt have a fat advantage on 5km due to aurora

frick snoops!

@sladownoob try actually playing aeon on 5x5, auroras suck in large quantities, also people learned how to micro t1 tank and auto win first engagements with a 90% accuracy, need more reasons? imagine t1 arty or bomber

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

Aeon uses to be autopick on maps like theta because of the combo of 5 extra gun range alongside aurora making it impossible for any other faction to have any agency in deciding engagements. With the gun acu advantage taken away it isn’t really as obvious of a pick anymore I’d say.

sorry im too busy studying physics

frick snoops!