RCVII - AI Allies ~ 4v4 ~ $2,000
Post #3: Tournament Schedule + Structure
Dates: Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 1500 UTC, (2 Bo3's or 4-6 games)
------ Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 1500 UTC, (1-2 Bo3's or 2-6 games)
------- Sat, Mar 2, 2024 at 1500 UTC, (0-1 Bo3 or 0-3 games) Semi Final
------- Sun, Mar 3, 2024 at 1500 UTC, (1 Bo7 or 3-6 games) FinalsTeam from the winners bracket - starts "one game up" in the Finals Bo7.
Post #4: Player Registration and Draft Process
Players register as a Single, or
as 2 Players - with a 4.1K combined RC rating cap.
Captains rated >2.2K have their rating capped at 2.2K,
for pre-draft registering purposes.The top 8 RC rated players,
will be made Captains, and
seeded according to their ratings.Team Draft Process:
Round #1 of draft:
Draft starts with the 8th seeded Captain and
continues sequentially up thru All 8 Captains.When it is a Single Captains turn to draft, he may:
choose ANY player in the draft pool,
whether or not the combined team total is >4.1K.When it is a 2 player Captain's turn,
he has TWO options:
1: He may "Pass" and Keep his Pre-Draft registered partner, or
2: He may "Trade" his Pre-Draft registered partner and
----------"Draft" - ANY player in the draft pool.
The traded player is Immediately placed in the draft pool.Round #2 of draft:
8th seeded Captain drafts Any player in the draft pool.
Draft continues up to 1st seeded Captain.Round #3 of draft:
1st seeded Captain drafts Any player in the draft pool.
Draft continues down to 8th seeded Captain.
.Registration will be "fluid" , and
Captains may change their single status or teammate,
at anytime, up to end of the registration period.Registration is open -
until Sunday, Feb 11, @ 1200 UTC.
Draft starts Feb 11, @ 1300 UTC. -
Post #5: RC Tournament Rating calculation method:
To calculate a players RC tournament rating:
The players highest 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or Global-50 rating is used.
A Dec 10, 2023 screenshot is used.
If the players highest rating, is of a game type with less than 300 games played...
we proportional blend the players next highest ratings to obtain a RC rating.
The next highest rating/s will be "weighted" with the number of games needed
to make up a 300 game history.Example:
A "Player" has the below ratings:
1v1 = 1,740 and 257 games,
2v2 = 1,865 and 38 games,
4v4 = 2,206 and 104 games
Global = 2,165 and 1,215 gamesThis players highest rating is his 4v4 rating of 2,206 with 104 games.
To make up a 300 game average >
we take 196 games of his next highest rating, which is
his Global rating of 2,165 (subtracting 50 pts for global ratings) = 2,115This players rating is thus calculated as follows:
4v4(2,206 x 104)games + Glb(2,115 x 196)games = 643,964/300 = 2,147 RC Tournament Rating.TD will assign the RC Tournament Ratings.
Players Ratings used are from this leaderboard screen shot taken on Dec 10th @ 2400 UTC
Large Sera gold dots are factored ratings, small Sera gold dots are non-factored ratings.
Post #7: Game Map/Scenario example:
How the game maps are released:
Only the maps and the games they will be played in,
will be disclosed before the start of the tournament..One hour before the start of each day, that
days 1st matches' - 3 maps, - setup details will be released.
On Day 1+2 of the tournament -
the 2nd matches -> 3 maps will be released.
-"as soon as" the first 2 teams are ready for their first Round 2 match.At map release time
-AI positions will be shown ,
-teams choose the AI factions.
-Closed spawn sites are shown, and
any remaining spawns Not closed, are
open for players.Reset All options to default each game, and
set only the 2 tournament specific options in the green outline box.AIx Cheat and Build multipliers will range from -
a low of 1.1 AIx, to a high of 2.0 AIx.
These multipliers will be displayed in pink outline box, and
in the Cheat/Build column.
On this map the beach spawns are closed to humans.
Players have 5 spawn positions to choose from. -
Post #8: Map Pool
Day 1: Sat, Feb 24, 2024 = 2 Bo3 matches = 6 maps
Day 2: Sun, Feb 25, 2024 = 2 Bo3 matches = 6 maps
Day 3: Sat, Mar 2, 2024 = 1 Bo3 match = 3 maps
Day 4: Sun Mar 3, 2024 = 1 Bo7 match = 1 surprise map.Game Maps:
Round 1
Matches 1-4 > Game 1
Map #1 = Plateau of Arracis FFA
Round 1
Matches 1-4 > Game 2
Map #2 = Noro
Round 1
Matches 1-4 > Game 3
Map #3 = The Grudge
Round 2 + Losers Round 1
Matches 5-8 > Game 1
Map #4 = Huge Wonder Open
Round 2 + Losers Round 1
Matches 5-8 > Game 2
Map #5 = Just a beach
Round 2 + Losers Round 1
Matches 5-8 > Game 3
Map #6 = Adaptive Tabula Rasa
Round 3 + Losers Round 2
Matches 9,10 + 12 > Game 1
Map #7 = Adaptive Adrastea
Round 3 + Losers Round 2
Matches 9,10 + 12 > Game 2
Map #8 = Swamp Ciry Dune
Round 3 + Losers Round 2
Matches 9,10 + 12 > Game 3
Map #9 = Sonder Cliffs
Losers Round 3
Match 11 > Game 1
Map #10 = Deadly Rivers 10x10
Losers Round 3
Match 11 > Game 2
Map #11 = Operation Red Sun Extended
Losers Round 3
Match 11 > Game 3
Map #12 = Adaptive Corona
Semi Finals
Match 13 > Game 1
Map #13 = Adaptive Mizar
Semi Finals
Match 13 > Game 2
Map #14 = Adaptive Turtle Beach
Semi Finals
Match 13 > Game 3
Map #15 = adaptive delta riva
Match 14 > Game 1
Map #16 = Adaptive Setons Clutch
Games 2-6 will be selected by elimination from maps 1-15.
Post #9: Acknowledgements
Our Participating AI Mod developers:
Maudlin27------M27AI and M28AI
Relent0r--------RNGAIPlus: Our other AI brains:
Jip, Sprouto, Uveso, Balthazar, !Marlo and
the rest of our AI Development department.Fichom for creating the choice of Avatars.
Our FAF Twitch Live stream dept
Especially -
Endrani for casting from start to end of each day,
and for the special guest co-hosts who stop by,
Spaceman Rowey for
saving and categorizing the RC Tournament matches,
For You-Tube viewing.
Last, but Not Least ->
ALL the players who signed up to participate. -
Post #10: Prize Pool Pay Outs and Sponsors.
Pay outs: Will be done thru Pay Pal.
Sponsor will cover the standard fee.International transfer fee's above $10,
will have any additional fee's subtracted from prize.
Players in countries with international Pay Pal restrictions, can
have prize monies sent to 2nd party friends or family, or
players can have funds held by RC sponsor indefinitely.
No expiration.Sponsors:
Fearghal = $1,650
Milchshake = $350
Total = $2,000Anyone who wishes to contribute to the prize pool, can
contact me, and 100% will be added to players prize pool. -
Post #11: Past Rainbow Cup Tournaments
RCI - 4v4 - $300
Held May 2018
1st place = $150 - Heaven, Exotic Retard, Jagged Appliance + Feather
2nd place = $100 - Inspektor_Goose, Blnchlk, Bravo + Wifi
3rd place = $50 - F-Odin, Blast_chilled, Dro + System Failure
Bonus game = $50 - AchievedJaguar8, Snowbound, Hushnoob + Obiwankenoobi
https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=16118RCII - 4v4 - Alliances - $400
Held July 2018
1st Place = $220 - AchievedJaguar8, Picoo, Tagada + Blast Chilled
2nd Place = $120 - ZLO, BlinChiK, Bravo_ + Magnotok
3rd Place = $60 - blark, blurk, blyrk + blirk
https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=16177RCIII - 3v3 v AI - Civilians - $1,200
Held Feb 2021
1st Place = $660 - WoundedElkNoob, archsimkat + LimeZ3
2nd Place = $360 - Nexus, Bloodoath/Picoo + Protect
3rd Place = $180 - Blodir, KoisKix + Wesh
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/858/rainbow-cup-iii-3-v-3-1-2kRCIV - 3v3 v AI - SpaceNet - $1,200
Held Feb/Mar 2022
1st Place = $660 - Yudi, FtXCommando + Exselsior
2nd Place = $360 - YellowNoob, Grimplex + InspektorKot
3rd Place = $180 - Tagada, Hybrid + Ctrl-K
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/3016/rainbow-cup-iv-dates-setRCV - 3v3 v AI - AI Masters <1,800 - $1,200
Held Sept 24,25 +Oct 1, 2022
1st Place = $660 - Salnik, Nikerochek + Abandoned
2nd Place = $360 - Aranei, Crypteck + Upas
3rd Place = $180 - GingerBreadMan, Skrat + Hyp3r2001
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4033/rainbow-cup-v-tournamentRCVI - 3v3 v AI - Venus Rising - $1,500
Held Mar 11,12 +18, 2023
1st Place = $780 - TheWheelie, FtXCommando + Nuggets
2nd Place = $480 - WafflelzNoob, ZLO + Flowey
3rd Place = $240 - Tagada, NOC- + GingerbreadMan
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500 -
Post #12: Rainbow Cup Series Tournaments
The Rainbow Cup series of tournaments -
do not necessarily endorse, represent, or have any
affiliations with any groups, outside FAF.The Rainbow Cup Tournaments are -
fun, team color, games with AI's. -
Registration is now open.
Just say "sign me up" below
There is a Discord channel for this tournament here:
https://discord.com/channels/197033481883222026/1183903661794005182Check in the Discord channel to ask questions, and
to keep up with the latest tournament news, and
get additional info. -
Sladow-Noob signing up, so far without someone.
Rating as discussed on Discord yesterday: (2272 x 174 + 2217 x 51 + (2020-50) x 75 ) / 300 = 2.187 -
Lynushko signing up, so far without someone.
sign up w/ the thewheelie
Sign me up please Unknow
Signing Up
sing me up
sign up,
sign up pls!
Signing up Jip and I