(canceled) King of DualGap 210$

как записаться-то?

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Why full share when it basically never gets played as full share?

@FemtoZetta Previous tourney also was played with a full share, i think its in order to keep game sustainable even if someone is out of the game due accident dc, sometimes its just not the players fault that they get unhandled exception or losing con. In past 3 weeks I have encountered in my games sudden disconnects for more than a four people over the time, they lost con to client too and it kept reconnecting them. So its either unhandled exception or disconnect, both isn't nice. Also its a single elimination format, so no second chance. RNG kills the competition imo, can just gamble with slots in a casino with relatively same success. Most of the tournaments being conducted with a full share condition as well for the same reason, this is one of the things that you have to deal with.

How often does that actually happen though? Since ICE disconnects have become way less prevalent.
I'm not sure it's worth to change the whole gameplay dynamic to something even more eco friendly since people's bases don't even die and have to be reclaimed and rebuilt with full share.

@FemtoZetta Even if its 5% chance to happen it is still high enough chance to care, because its not zero. Also its not manageable by player skill, so should be excluded from the game imo. And yes, a last tourney was verily an eco fest, so it took us entire 18 mins to get the game finished, indeed what a tremendous time span. Seriously, i don't even see how it would impact the gameplay to even alter meta a bit, sniping smds still viable, gaining map control is still crucial, and going on agressive also an option.

Team "ANZ clan" Signing up!


I assume that this will be postponed to next week?

This post is deleted!

"Elite Raki"

  2. HastaLaVista
  3. Rogue04
  4. Wifi
  5. Nikerochek
  6. AmonRa


tourney will start 5 september 12 00 gmt
registration closed 4 september 23 00 gmt

Quick question, if someone were to cast it live it would be through the live replay option instead of joining as observer?
As I assume you don't wanna higher chance of DC happening, aight?

@Khada_Jhin observers cant be ON coz if someone will defeated he will see all map

Tournament canceled, no teams detected

Maybe try it again for low level players? Maybe max 1400 or something. Should be a bigger playerbase at least.

You can’t do optimal balance tournaments.

@Mod_Councillor I mean, you could. You have rounds and randomize the players in each match. Then you track the wins/losses for each player over several rounds. Now there are obvious flaws: you don't have consistent teams, you create incentives for rating manipulation, and running such a tournament would be confusing for players, but you could do it.

Rewarding individual players will incentivize throwing games to let some friend of yours who is neck and neck for a top placement to get further.

I guess you could just do it for fun? It’s still more than likely going to lead to drama regardless.