Developers Iteration III of 2023
@blackyps said in Developers Iteration III of 2023:
We are all on the same page here in the sense that we all want to make FAF the best it can be. It can be that you don't understand why something is happening, or even that there is a disagreement on which change is good, but please keep in mind, that there is probably a good reason why something was decided.
I think it might help if the balance discussions were publicly viewable.
I was personally alarmed by the vision range change, and while I'm pretty sure I managed not to create a negative environment about it, I was alarmed when I realised that I, being only a player, had no ability to read any of the justification or exploratory testing and trials behind such a massive change.Just my thoughts on how things might be helped. Note that I hugely respect the balance team for their efforts to make the game better for everyone.
i love the feature of the mobile factories, thanks
Yeah, it feels so natural as if it has always been this way. @Jip Thanks for your work!
I hope in the next patch the CZAR gets the ability too, because the undock animation is just super cool and I would love to see how the fighter jets stream out of the czar from time to time!
Something you have never seen in games without building while moving.
Great Work!
I usually use FAF client to download a new version of the FAF game file and then launch the game directly from the exe. If I want to play this newly released FAF, how should I download it?
I'm guessing that you've been creating a game via Play > Custom Games > Create Game > enter name > set password > Game Type > FAF > select map > Create. If so, then just do that same thing to get the updated version. When you get to the lobby, you should see a pop-up with the changelog for version 3756. You can exit the game from there & then you'll be able to create a game locally by either opening the exe directly as you have been or by logging out of the client & selecting to Play Offline.
@mostlostnoob Thank you for your reply. So in order to get the latest version of the game that this post says, should I choose "FAF" or "FAF DEVELOP" when I create the game?
While these changes were in the process of being added, edited, removed, etc. then you'd want to play the FAF Develop game type to use them. As of this past Saturday, they were merged into the main base FAF game, so you'll want to choose FAF as the game type.
Out of curiosity, is there a reason why you normally play using the exe directly instead of starting games from the client?
@mostlostnoob I added a few more in the player color. So if I boot directly from FAF, it will overwrite my newly added color file.
Strangely, the building sequence of the mobile factory seems to have disappeared after the game update. The T3 aircraft carrier I pulled out of the cheat window couldn't build any air units. Only aoen's experimental class aircraft carriers can build units. I turned off all the mods and still have this problem, I don't know what the problem is. I tested the previous version and it worked.
There is also a BUG: the cheat window does not display the MOD name, and the "source" column of the cheat window is all "no text". Correspondingly, the previous version did not have this problem
@zhanghm18 said in Developers Iteration III of 2023:
Strangely, the building sequence of the mobile factory seems to have disappeared after the game update. The T3 aircraft carrier I pulled out of the cheat window couldn't build any air units. Only aoen's experimental class aircraft carriers can build units. I turned off all the mods and still have this problem, I don't know what the problem is. I tested the previous version and it worked.
For the mobile factories, you'll need to click towards the rear of the units to get the factory part as depicted in the picture in the post about this feature:
There is also a BUG: the cheat window does not display the MOD name, and the "source" column of the cheat window is all "no text". Correspondingly, the previous version did not have this problem
I have no idea about this, but perhaps a picture would be good for visual reference so those that can help can see exactly what you're talking about.
M MostLostNoob referenced this topic on
@mostlostnoob Thank you for your reply. I found the problem in the factory. I uploaded an image to illustrate the problem with the cheat window
@zhanghm18 as described here the CZAR temporarily loses the ability to build until we can finalize it and make it work the same way the other aircraft carriers work. We hope to do that during the next developers iteration
I'll see if we* can fix that bug with the cheat window for the hot fix next weekend
J Jip referenced this topic on
@jip Thank you for your work!Maybe the issue of model animations continuing to play after air units crash on water will be fixed in some future version?
Questions about the new map generator: I prefer maps like "heaven reaf" which are dark in color and have more reflective water. But there is no color option in the generator. How should I set up to generate a dark map? In addition, how can the newly generated map be permanently saved? After I turned off FAF, the generated map seemed to be automatically deleted.
Also, have the Advanced map shaders mentioned in the post been integrated into the map generator? Can I use the map generator to experience the latest shader effects? Or is it only the map mentioned in the post that can experience the latest shader?
@zhanghm18 said in Developers Iteration III of 2023:
Questions about the new map generator: I prefer maps like "heaven reaf" which are dark in color and have more reflective water. But there is no color option in the generator. How should I set up to generate a dark map?
The map generator has nothing to do with this discussion as it's not part of the game, but part of the client. That said, any questions regarding the map generator should be asked in the Mapping section:
In addition, how can the newly generated map be permanently saved? After I turned off FAF, the generated map seemed to be automatically deleted.
Yes, generated maps are auto-deleted when you close the FAF client. To save the map, you'll need to either move the folder of the generated map to a safe place & copy it back each time you start the client or copy the name of the generated map & paste it somewhere safe, then when you want to play it again, copy that name & paste it into the Map Name field of the map generator.
@mostlostnoob Ok, I'll create a new post in the map section
We're now working on making the map generator support the new shaders, in particular BlackYps and Sheikah are working on that. You can see it here:
Thank you again for the great features. You are great