What are your thoughts on the new Balance Discord Channels, primarily #balance-suggestions and #balance-discussion? Have they generated any good ideas or discourse? How are they different from the balance forum?
Weekly Discussion #30 - New Balance Discord Channels
I plan to do some channel pruning of the Discord in the near future, which will likely be next week's Weekly Discussion. It seems like those two channels are a little redundant. I was thinking getting rid of #balance-discussion and encouraging using the threads system for discussing individual suggestions, but this might be to close to what the balance forum is already.
It may be similar, but the potential user base on Discord is significantly larger than on the forums.
A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned
Would be nice to have some sort of indication that balance team did read some of it atleast so it does not feel like we are talking into an empty wind.
Analyze, Adapt, Overcome...
#balance-discussion has been much more active than the balance forums are, and a net-increase in discussions regarding balance seems like a good thing. I think it's also more casual and attracts some players who wouldn't normally post on the forums. People also seem more likely to ask questions there to learn more about balance-related things. In fact, I think it's been the most active channel on the FAF Discord during the short period it's existed thus far, and it encompasses a much larger variety of discourse than #balance-suggestions does. So, I think getting rid of it would be a mistake.
However, I do think the #balance-suggestions channel should be more forum-like, with the channel being limited to suggestions only, with the ability for each suggestion post to be the start of a thread where relevant discussion takes place.
pfp credit to gieb
@hinthunter said in Weekly Discussion #30 - New Balance Discord Channels:
Would be nice to have some sort of indication that balance team did read some of it atleast so it does not feel like we are talking into an empty wind.
20-25% of the mesaages that were posted there are from the balance team buddy
@thewheelie said in Weekly Discussion #30 - New Balance Discord Channels:
20-25% of the mesaages that were posted there are from the balance team buddy
Just cuz they post there does not mean that they read 80 ~ 75% of what was already posted.
Channles are nice additoin but i dont think it moves the neddle that much if at all.
Analyze, Adapt, Overcome...
Discord chat is just a terrible place to have lasting discussions about things like balance imo. That said, I know Discord is testing a forum feature, does the FAF Discord have access to that?
@snagglefox said in Weekly Discussion #30 - New Balance Discord Channels:
Discord chat is just a terrible place to have lasting discussions about things like balance imo. That said, I know Discord is testing a forum feature, does the FAF Discord have access to that?
The whole point of having balance discussions on Discord is that the discussion can happen and then disappear like it never happened.