Factions Text for Web Site, need suggestions
No but seriously, we need a deciding factor for the descriptions. To me, gameplay isn't different at all. They all build T1 tanks, they all make inties/asf, they all make frigs, etc etc. The big changes between factions come in minor unit details (UEF janus aoe vs Notha high alpha) but in the end they arent enough to say "this faction is defensive/apm demanding/agressive"
Remember this is also for new players, if you tell a new player "uef has t3 point defense so they are turtle" they arent going to know wtf is t3 or a point defense. And claiming its the defensive faction is a lie when cybran has Harms or seraphim better shields.
Ergo, it seems aesthetics is the deciding factor. To me, I like the factions based on their T1-T2 stages (which to me, I enjoy very much how Seraphim develops in those stages. I hate aeon t1 because I don't enjoy managing aurora). Maybe a mix between aesthetics and key unit highlights could be the thing? Instead of just one short summary/couple of sentences, a small page section with they KEY units that differ from other factions. Here is an example:
Cybran: Description aesthetics
Key highlights:
Best t1 Frigate
Mobile Stealth / asf / strat has stealth
T2 bomber snipes
Fastest t1 tankAeon:
High range t1 tank
Mercy kamikaze missile
Highest range T2 destroyer
ACU gun rangeand so on...
Above are just examples, I'm sure you guys can come up with a consensus on what units on each faction stand out so much that they deserve being mentioned. For example Aurora is completely different than T1 Cybran, uef and sera t1 tank. The other 3 just go and yeet themselves to each other but Aurora play differently
While you can do similar gameplay things with all factions there are still differences between them, and if the descriptions give the impression that we have 4 factions but there's not much difference between them except for aesthetics it risks removing one of the selling points of FAF.
While I think a list of key units/differences between factions may be useful as a separate page/section (e.g. linked to or brought up if you click on a faction), the risk with a list like 'Best T1 frigate' is (as you mention with the ravager example) that some of the people looking at it will be new to FA itself and won't know what that means (compared to concepts like higher health and stealth which are more likely to be understood).
You shouldn't get into the specific units because as you said, no newcomer is going to know what a T3 point defense is or what an ASF is so you're contradicting your own point. Arma473's descriptions are probably the best ones I've read so far, just use those. They aren't too long or short and tell a lot of information in the correct tone.
Each faction should have their own summary page and you can get into that stuff there.
@javi said in Factions Text for Web Site, need suggestions:
Cybran: Description aesthetics
Key highlights:
Best t1 FrigateI think for cybran the stealth navy is for more impactful and different than other factions than just frigate being slightly better statistically, and they definitely have the fastest units in general where there is any speed difference in first place, and the only mobile stealth at all
as for describing the aesthetic, I think that is better done by showing pictures of example units and their aesthetic in some way instead of inaccurate and slow text
People should pick their first faction based on either lore or visual design.
Just steal some Gyle lines like:
Spikey space socialists
@angelofd347h said in Factions Text for Web Site, need suggestions:
People should pick their first faction based on either lore or visual design.
Just steal some Gyle lines like:
Spikey space socialists
Pretty sure he got this trademarked by now lol
But I do agree with @angelofd347h's sentiment
differentiating the factions by units will be hardly productive - since most of them play pretty much the same. Sure, there are some differences, but newer players might get the wrong impression if you use those as the descriptive differentiator in the page.Focusing on the 'lore' and background as well as aesthetics as the main differentiator, while only maybe giving a lick of info on the slight difference in unit focus/performance should be the way to go.
A rough play on how my logic is structured, but will need further improvements and discussion - note that some of the bellow I'm pulling straight out of my a... hat - but I do feel they fit. Don't forget we are trying to look for unique identifiers - ofc they aren't all completely different, and those identifier might not be true for all of their roster.
Core features:
- lore wise: oppressive order > group tied by traditional culture and order, strive for re-unification of all worlds under one rule
- core army principle: "jack of all trades, master of none" > their units are good all-rounders, but do not excel in any one task
- unit design: squared-off > tie it with multi-purpose systems - more spacious units allow for more systems
- experimentals: their experience and structured approach to things lead them to a simple core principle - ultimate utility
The paragraph: WIP
Core features:
- lore wise: radical freedom > tech-augmented humans uniting against untouchable rulers, strive for freedom from established world order
- core army principle: "guerilla warfare" > lots of units use stealth in order to allow sneak-attacks and hidden advances
- unit design: spooky spiky triangles > could be tied in with their stealth focus - intricate designs allow for reduced radar signature
- experimentals: their cunning and quest for innovation lead them to a simple core principle - unexpected devastation
The paragraph: WIP
Core features:
- lore wise: centralized thought > group tied in by their belief in the Supreme, strive to enlighten the others by any means necessary
- core army principle: "unit specialisation" > units at large serve a specific purpose, but this focus allows them to excel in their particular field
- unit design: rounded > WIP
- experimentals: their strive for perfection and methodology lead them to a simple core principle - monoliths of the battlefield
The paragraph: WIP
Core features:
- lore wise: alien warmongers > group tied in by their strive to extinguish all in their path
- core army principle: "alien tactics" > many units have unconventional features, allowing them to perplex any enemy
- unit design: unnatural flow > WIP
- experimentals: their strive for dominance and supremacy lead them to a simple core principle - unrestrained destruction
The paragraph: WIP
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