RCVI - Venus Rising ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
Post #10: Prize Pool Pay Outs
Pay outs will be done thru Pay Pal.
Sponsor will pay up to the standard ~$6.00 transfer fee.
or up to 1 international transfer fee,
Any fee's above $6.00 or 1 international fee,
will be subtracted from the pay out prize.If prize monies are unable to be paid out due to local/regional restrictions,
monies can be held by sponsor until a later time or
transferred to and "held" in the FAF Treasury.
Other options may also be available. -
Post #11: Past Rainbow Cup Tournaments
RCI - 4v4 - $300
Held May 2018
1st place = $150 - Heaven, Exotic Retard, Jagged Appliance + Feather
2nd place = $100 - Inspektor_Goose, Blnchlk, Bravo + Wifi
3rd place = $50 - F-Odin, Blast_chilled, Dro + System Failure
Bonus game = $50 - AchievedJaguar8, Snowbound, Hushnoob + Obiwankenoobi
https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=16118RCII - 4v4 - Alliances - $400
Held July 2018
1st Place = $220 - AchievedJaguar8, Picoo, Tagada + Blast Chilled
2nd Place = $120 - ZLO, BlinChiK, Bravo_ + Magnotok
3rd Place = $60 - blark, blurk, blyrk + blirk
https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=16177RCIII - 3v3 v AI - Civilians - $1,200
Held Feb 2021
1st Place = $660 - WoundedElkNoob, archsimkat + LimeZ3
2nd Place = $360 - Nexus, Bloodoath/Picoo + Protect
3rd Place = $180 - Blodir, KoisKix + Wesh
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/858/rainbow-cup-iii-3-v-3-1-2kRCIV - 3v3 v AI - SpaceNet - $1,200
Held Feb/Mar 2022
1st Place = $660 - Yudi, FtXCommando + Exselsior
2nd Place = $360 - YellowNoob, Grimplex + InspektorKot
3rd Place = $180 - Tagada, Hybrid + Ctrl-K
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/3016/rainbow-cup-iv-dates-setRCV - 3v3 v AI - AI Masters <1,800 - $1,200
Held Sept 24,25 +Oct 1, 2022
1st Place = $660 - Salnik, Nikerochek + Abandoned
2nd Place = $360 - Aranei, Crypteck + Upas
3rd Place = $180 - GingerBreadMan, Skrat + Hyp3r2001
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4033/rainbow-cup-v-tournamentRCVI - 3v3 v AI - Venus Rising - $1,500
Set for Mar 11,12 +18, 2023
1st Place = $780 - TheWheelie, FtXCommando + Nuggets
2nd Place = $480 - WafflelzNoob, ZLO + Flowey
3rd Place = $240 - Tagada, NOC- + GingerbreadMan
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500 -
Post #12: Rainbow Cup Series Tournaments
The Rainbow Cup series of tournaments -
do not necessarily endorse, represent, or have any
affiliations with any groups, outside FAF.The Rainbow Cup Tournaments are -
fun, team color, free for all action with AI. -
Registration is now open.
To calculate a players RC tournament rating:
We use the players highest leaderboard rating (200 game minimum)
Jan 6th screenshot is used, with a 1 yr history database.
Global rating has 50 points subtracted from rating.If highest rating is of a game type with - less than 200 games played...
We will proportional blend the players next highest ratings to obtain a RC rating.Sign up below
TD will assign ratings ~ No math required -
Let's go!!! Gotta fix ISP problem first and I'm in!
I'm interested
Going to use a combination of team sign-ups and drafting.
With a 2 player team max rating of 4.1 K for pre draft registration.
Players rated above 2.2 K will be capped at 2.2k for the 4.1K team sign up cap.
Remainder of team players are drafted. -
I have come up with a new
Team formation and Draft process,
for this tournament.It allows Captains to register as a Single, or
with a playing partner as a 2 player team
this method gives Captains a "trade option"
in round 1 of the draft (see below)
...........Players may register as a Single, or
as a 2 player team - with a 4.1K combined RC rating cap.
(Captains of these teams who are rated >2.2K have their
rating capped at 2.2K, - allowing the registering of
any player RC rated 1900 and less)The top 8 rated players, registered as either
a Single, or as a 2 player team captain, are
made Tournament CaptainsTEAM FORMATION and DRAFT PROCESS
Round 1 of draft:
Draft starts with the 8th seeded Captain and
continues sequentially up thru ALL 8 Captains.When it is a Single Captains turn to draft he may:
choose ANY player in the draft pool,
whether or Not the combined team total rating is >4.1K.When it is a 2 player Team Captain's draft turn,
he has TWO options:
1: He may "Pass" and Keep his pre-draft registered partner, or
2: He may "Trade" his Pre-Draft registered partner and
----------"Draft" - ANY player in the draft pool,
thus sending his Pre-Draft registered partner to the draft pool.Round 2 of draft:
8th seed Captain drafts Any player in the draft pool.
Continue draft process up to #1 seed Captain..
So what we basically have is:
A 2 round draft, with the
Captains option to register pre-draft with
any one mutually agreeable team player,
within a 4.1K rating cap.
Still allows Captain's an Option to trade their pre-draft picks.Any pre-draft player who was "traded" out - in Round 1 of the draft, is
immediately placed into the draft pool, and
has the rest of Round 1 and all of Round 2 to get drafted, and
possibly.. even by his original teamI believe this method works very well, and
is "fairer" to the top seeded Captains in both -
weaker and stronger fields of players.
With a weaker field -
Captains will get to register pre-draft , and
"lock in" - one player of his choice.
With a stronger field -
Captains may have an option to trade out his pre-draft pick, and
draft a player that would of been above the pre-draft registration cap. -
@Fearghal you could talk to @Javi about creating one of the longer dedicated posts for this that would be on the website
Thanks Rowey.
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S Swkoll referenced this topic on
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F Fearghal referenced this topic on
I'd like to give it a try.
New Team Entrants!
Team "Venus" is entering the tournament as AI team #4
Venus is sending their 2 top commanders -
Commanders 'Deep Pink' and 'Shocking Pink' are
reporting for their first RC appearance.Team "Spacenet" is AI team #3.
Spacenet has regrouped since their last defeat and
are now stronger than before.Players may now find themselves in 4-way FFA Brawls-
With Team #2, Spacenet and Venus!The 2 main reasons for adding another AI team:
1-Unbalanced AI behavior's and builds from some AI's, when...
---AI's spawn on opposite sides of the map and assigned to same team.2-FAF Live casters suggested adding a 4th AI during the last 2 RC casts :)~
i would like to sign up a team consisting of me Sulfur1 and Flying_Olsen
sign up
Sign me up
I am Babushka_lover
Rating about 1450
Sign me up Crypteck tmm 1500 r
sign me up