RCVI - Venus Rising ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
I'm interested
Going to use a combination of team sign-ups and drafting.
With a 2 player team max rating of 4.1 K for pre draft registration.
Players rated above 2.2 K will be capped at 2.2k for the 4.1K team sign up cap.
Remainder of team players are drafted. -
I have come up with a new
Team formation and Draft process,
for this tournament.It allows Captains to register as a Single, or
with a playing partner as a 2 player team
this method gives Captains a "trade option"
in round 1 of the draft (see below)
...........Players may register as a Single, or
as a 2 player team - with a 4.1K combined RC rating cap.
(Captains of these teams who are rated >2.2K have their
rating capped at 2.2K, - allowing the registering of
any player RC rated 1900 and less)The top 8 rated players, registered as either
a Single, or as a 2 player team captain, are
made Tournament CaptainsTEAM FORMATION and DRAFT PROCESS
Round 1 of draft:
Draft starts with the 8th seeded Captain and
continues sequentially up thru ALL 8 Captains.When it is a Single Captains turn to draft he may:
choose ANY player in the draft pool,
whether or Not the combined team total rating is >4.1K.When it is a 2 player Team Captain's draft turn,
he has TWO options:
1: He may "Pass" and Keep his pre-draft registered partner, or
2: He may "Trade" his Pre-Draft registered partner and
----------"Draft" - ANY player in the draft pool,
thus sending his Pre-Draft registered partner to the draft pool.Round 2 of draft:
8th seed Captain drafts Any player in the draft pool.
Continue draft process up to #1 seed Captain..
So what we basically have is:
A 2 round draft, with the
Captains option to register pre-draft with
any one mutually agreeable team player,
within a 4.1K rating cap.
Still allows Captain's an Option to trade their pre-draft picks.Any pre-draft player who was "traded" out - in Round 1 of the draft, is
immediately placed into the draft pool, and
has the rest of Round 1 and all of Round 2 to get drafted, and
possibly.. even by his original teamI believe this method works very well, and
is "fairer" to the top seeded Captains in both -
weaker and stronger fields of players.
With a weaker field -
Captains will get to register pre-draft , and
"lock in" - one player of his choice.
With a stronger field -
Captains may have an option to trade out his pre-draft pick, and
draft a player that would of been above the pre-draft registration cap. -
@Fearghal you could talk to @Javi about creating one of the longer dedicated posts for this that would be on the website
Thanks Rowey.
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I'd like to give it a try.
New Team Entrants!
Team "Venus" is entering the tournament as AI team #4
Venus is sending their 2 top commanders -
Commanders 'Deep Pink' and 'Shocking Pink' are
reporting for their first RC appearance.Team "Spacenet" is AI team #3.
Spacenet has regrouped since their last defeat and
are now stronger than before.Players may now find themselves in 4-way FFA Brawls-
With Team #2, Spacenet and Venus!The 2 main reasons for adding another AI team:
1-Unbalanced AI behavior's and builds from some AI's, when...
---AI's spawn on opposite sides of the map and assigned to same team.2-FAF Live casters suggested adding a 4th AI during the last 2 RC casts :)~
i would like to sign up a team consisting of me Sulfur1 and Flying_Olsen
sign up
Sign me up
I am Babushka_lover
Rating about 1450
Sign me up Crypteck tmm 1500 r
sign me up
sign me up I team with Uutuus, I am PandorasFox
sign me up 1700 global 1400 ladder 1400 tmm
I hope there will be some check up that a particular registered player is still alive/did not forget about the cup (like me) before the draft starts. I mean, it's a month of waiting for me, 2 months for some people.
We will check with all 8 team captains before the draft starts, to make sure they are still "in".
And then the draft will start.Captains should contact each player individually before picking them in the draft,
to make sure they will be available and are committed to the 3 days of play.