The time it takes the army to die after the ACU does..

Could we look at how long it takes the army & buildings to die after the ACU dies? It seems to take an unnecesarily long time atm, surely once the ACU is dead everything should destruct within the next second or so?

Yes, the duration slightly increased after the recent development patch. Should I try and match the old duration?

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I dunno what aout those last minute revenge kills?

I'd be for the time delay to be as small as possible. The acu is either alive or it's not. Having any sort of real time delay wrecks those desperate acu snipes as the enemy exp bears down on your base. Just kinda bizarre killing the ACU and watching as it's units continue to wreck havoc.

i have a similar frustration with how long it takes for a factory to die after ctrl K, just watching it have many mini explosions when i just want to reclaim it, like hurry up already.

TML is a meme

@caliber said in The time it takes the army to die after the ACU does..:

i have a similar frustration with how long it takes for a factory to die after ctrl K, just watching it have many mini explosions when i just want to reclaim it, like hurry up already.

Yes I also suffer from this lol, those extra moments are so frustrating when you know it's holding you up from the next few things you need to quickly do.

@caliber said in The time it takes the army to die after the ACU does..:

i have a similar frustration with how long it takes for a factory to die after ctrl K, just watching it have many mini explosions when i just want to reclaim it, like hurry up already.

This is fixed on FAF Beta - it was doubled by accident in the previous patch. As soon as the balance patch is released then it is back to the old behavior.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I like that units survive for some time after ACU death, it gives you a chance to get a fair draw.
E.G. when enemy ACU walks under shield in your firebase and finishes your low HP commander
Or when someone teleports to your teledefence and you have something like few t2 pds and few t3 gunhsips, he is surely dead, but he can kill you fast and it may take time to t3 gunships to kill enemy com....
Or when you get sniped cause you are sligtly out of position with your army, you explode but your army is just 1 sec away from reaching enemy ACU and killing him

It also shows player the lore of the game, player will realise that after he died he no longer can issue any commands

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

The entire point of the game is to kill the enemy ACU, nothing else. Upon death its army should be erased. Otherwise you're starting a conversation about how long should it survive. 3 seconds? 5? 10? 30? With arguments and scenarios that would fit each of those timescales. If I as a player am outplayed or I don't correctly protect my ACU then I have fairly lost to the opposing player and don't deserve to hope my units can somehow make a difference after my death.

We'll match the time that was used previously, no need for more extensive discussions. It was an unintended change.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Well technically speaking there has to be a unit commutation timeout before self destruct, and you wouldn't want that to soon in case of a accidental communication loss and not the acu dieing. It's just like timeout durations in our technology today, except no fiery explosions with the time out is triggered.

A new definition to 'oh no, my wifi dropped - bloody he... - boom -'

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Back to the original would be a welcome compromise, thanks 🙂