I'm not seeing the problem. You focus on special abilities and seem to conclude Aeon strat is better than UEF. However, Aeon strat can be dodged by an ACU consistently. A UEF strat is much harder (e.g. virtually impossible for an AI to dodge, and difficult for a human to) due to its slightly better aoe. I'd much rather have the better aoe than the stun effect.
So on the strat comparison, yes ambassador is worse than Cybran strat, but I don't see it as being the worst strat available (although I preferred it when it had the 2nd best aoe).
I'm just trying to expand on the Faction abilities, mainly. Also, never said that the Aeon Strat was better - It used to be, and honestly, I preferred the previous strat changes, too. (Larger AoE and less damage)
The issue I see is that UEF is usually the least picked when it comes to Air Roles.
As how you mention later below - it doesn't have quite the "Air Force" needed as other factions.
To be honest, I was trying to copy what the game "Rainbow Six: Siege" does.
To keep things short and on-topic, that game has seasonal changes where Operators are buffed and/or nerfed based on how often they are picked in matches. If an operator is picked too often, a small nerf may be presented to alter the stats to make it fair for other operators.
To me, again, I almost never see UEF in air roles - this isn't noticeable in 1v1's 2v2, or smaller games. This is mainly the issue in larger games when players have roles.
You also dont say what the problem is with the spy plane.
To be fair, this could be taken either way. Seems to me that for you - there is no issue, but to me, the fact that UEF is least picked is detrimental - we want to see more races on every slot, no? Cybran's Stealth just greatly overshadows every other faction.
I.e. you seem to be saying the problem is that 'UEF T3 air isn't as strong as Cybran T3 air',
It isn't! In what sense do you think Stealth is balanced? xD
I'm not trying to make it as strong, or stronger than Cybran; In my opinion, Stealth is heavily unbalanced and overpowered, but I don't make the rules; I'm trying to offer suggestions on what would help other factions be able to compete with Stealth. Specifically for UEF on this post.
but there are 4 factions in the game not 2, so we shouldn't be trying to balance everything by comparing a faction to the best one for that particular unit.
Of course there are 4 other factions - which is why I encourage players to test out the changes with the mod Spikey made. This way, I can get more feedback from a wider audience. I've done my own testing with many players and I've honestly found no issues with these planes getting jamming. Large maps, small maps, large team games, smaller games, etc. You name it, I've most likely tested it.
Plus, the ability is togglable, so there's that too.
UEF also gets T3 gunship (Seraphim doesnt), and T3 transport (which no other faction gets).
They do, but I guess that's by design. Though I can't see why not it can't be added in - Wasn't mobile T3 AA added in by the FAF community?
UEF's main deficiency on the air is when you get to the experimental stage, because it has no air experimental. However it gets the novax which is a unique alternative to air that no other faction gets. In some scenarios it's better, others its worse.
The Satellite... such a meme.
Thanks for the feedback,
~ Stryker