Ban EcoManager & Similar Mods
Here's the gist of what I discussed with Arch in PMs.
What does banning those mods mean?
A: Remove them from the vault
B: Track down players who use them and slap them with a banA is very simple to implement but also doesn't accomplish much. Players will be free to share, install, and use these mods, just won't be through FAF servers. If you truly believe they provide enough of an advantage to be called cheating, then this would do little to solve the problem.
B would actually solve the problem but would be immensely difficult to implement. UI mod usage is not reported back to the server, so it would require reporting by players (who are what, zooming in to see if mass fabs stop spinning every few seconds?) and then processing by moderators. The mod team already has a ton of work to do, and a significant backlog as it is. Even if we were willing to go through all that it would greatly slow the processing of all other reports, many of which are more significant than "this guys mass fabs are toggling".
A? Yeah whatever, don't think it matters much either way
B? Absolutely not. While I agree these mods do technically provide an advantage, it's minuscule compared to the effort needed to put a stop to it -
I'd argue that blocking them from loading in-game, and not allowing these mods in the vault, would prevent 99% of the users of using this mod. As it requires effort to use them: you'd need to circumvent the block and manually place it at the right location.
If you're able to block UI mods from loading that'd be awesome. The impression I got from a conversation with Brutus quite a while ago is that UI mods are just a fact of FAF life and it'd be difficult to control their usage.
Mod has always fallen under the general rule of “no mods that do input commands for you” but was allowed because it genuinely loses you games except on maps where you have hyper efficient builds ie sentons or do nothing but eco for 30 minutes so nobody cared.
This post is deleted! -
@deribus said in Ban EcoManager & Similar Mods:
If you're able to block UI mods from loading that'd be awesome. The impression I got from a conversation with Brutus quite a while ago is that UI mods are just a fact of FAF life and it'd be difficult to control their usage.
And he's right - if the user really wants to then we can't prevent the user. But we can make it more difficult
edit: but one way or another, this will likely take up time of moderators. Whether that is of the moderation team banning people from using their own version of the mod, or of the creative team by banning people from the vault who re-uploaded the mod.
To make banning possible, you could add code to FAF sim to detect if too many things are switched too often, and have it autoreport the user somehow, for example by adding a message to chat, or doing something similar to achievements.
This way ui modders couldn't byass the block, and moderators wouldn't have an unreasonable workload.
I was thinking of that too - we could add some bookkeeping.
Did not know there was a mod for this, either make it part of the base game or ban it.
Microing massfabs adds 0 value to the game, they should have been automatic from day 1. They just need some warning when they're not running on 100%, so you don't build more of them just to find out they are all disabled.
I vote to remove the mod.
mod needs to be removed
@speed2 said in Ban EcoManager & Similar Mods:
Microing massfabs adds 0 value to the game, they should have been automatic from day 1. They just need some warning when they're not running on 100%, so you don't build more of them just to find out they are all disabled.
"They just need some warning when they're not running at 100%"
One exists, its called an energy stall which is very flashy and visible.
Removing the mod just creates a 'black market' to those mods and are shared anyway.
Hunting down everyone who plays with that mod is a never ending race condition and moderators will need to invest their resources to verify every case, and they are busy with a ton of other stuff already in their free time.
Even so, you can never be 100% sure if someone is using the mod or has just a good understanding of keybindings and great APM.
- Remove the LUA code to be able to do such stuff and life with the side conditions on other mods.
- Integrate it into FAF to have more control over the behavior.
If OP starts with this mod, then what is with all those other mods that do stuff for you?
Auto share energy and mass, auto select the next eng, auto build mex and pg with mouse over, auto split and auto attack different targets, etc. → This needs to be removed as well to truly show the skill of the player.
Even if the mod gets banned and moderates are hunting them down every day, then someone will simply make a slight change to the mod that make it look more humane. (Adding random pauses, changing threshold on random). You have to invest so many resources and gain so little out of it, to get rid of that mod.
@keene said in Ban EcoManager & Similar Mods:
@speed2 said in Ban EcoManager & Similar Mods:
Microing massfabs adds 0 value to the game, they should have been automatic from day 1. They just need some warning when they're not running on 100%, so you don't build more of them just to find out they are all disabled.
"They just need some warning when they're not running at 100%"
One exists, its called an energy stall which is very flashy and visible.
I think you missunderstood me.
If the mass fabs are managed automatically and turn off when you don't have enough energy. You can end up in a situation when you're not stalling, but only half of your mass fabs are running. So you think you have enough energy, build more fabs, but that will only cause more of them to turn off so your power doesn't crash. -
Mod needs to be removed. And if Jip could implement his idea, making it difficult to use this mod, that would be awesome!
Dont forget to remove other UI mods that extends player abilities, that can`t be used by all players.
Also, you guys voting to remove innocent mod, but cant remove astro/gap from FAF kappa
You can't ban it. 26 posts and nobody even thinks about adding a sim solution to it: put a cooldown on the toggle. Do the same for shields.
Reduces the advantage massively.
And/or add a warm up time to mexxes, so it takes e.g. 30 seconds until they reach regular efficiency.