BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
Hey @Uveso . Hate me yet? lol
I don't know if this is under BlackOps or BlackOps ACU... But years ago there was a problem with Cybran ACU that the maser wouldn't function properly if the ACU got in a transport. That has since been fixed in Vanilla FAF (tested to make sure it wasn't reintroduced)
With BlackOps, that bug is still present. If the Cybran ACU teleports, it works fine. If they enter a transport, then when they land, it fires erratically, often not firing at all for long periods of time.
Let me know if I can provide a replay, but it's pretty easy to recreate also.
[edit] made a quick cheating replay with ping notations: -
why should i hate my best reporter for bugs???
As always thanks for your report, and i will write this down to my ToDo list.
Since this has been fixed in the FAF game, it should be easy to fix in Black Ops as well. -
Well while you're penciling that 'to do' list..
If FAF is nerfing experimental crash damage in an upcoming patch, am I right in predicting any flying experimentals that BlackOps doesn't touch (ie Soulripper, Ahwassa) will get the nerf, but ones that are modified (ie Czar) and BlackOps units (like the UEF Flying Fortress) will stay with high damage because of how mod blueprints overwrite?
If it helps to have a list, here's the ones I would think need to be updated when those values get patched:
Czar (maybe: I don't know if crash damage is in the modded BlackOps Czar blueprint)
Artemis Satellite (Aeon)
Citadel (UEF)
Gargantuan (Cybran) -
Well, I calculate air crash damage using a fixed formula for all units in mods.
Let's see how random these FAF changes are or if they use some mathematical calculation for all units.
They are blueprint changes to individual units.
Did some testing to see what crash values are coming up with BlackOps (plus ACUs and EXunits) all turned on. TL;DR even some units I thought would pick up the patched values are not doing so. Only the Soulripper is doing the patched value.
Soulripper - 5000 dmg (correct)
Ahwassa - 8000 dmg (should be 7000)
Czar - Doing over 16000 dmg!! (should be 7000)BlackOps units:
Citadel (UEF) - Doing 10,880 (Should probably be 7000)
Gargantuan (Cybran) 8000 Dmg. (Should probably be 7000)
Artemis Satellite (Aeon) - ~8000 +- 1000 (Should probably be 7000)Sorry..I'm a newb, so I'm poking through blueprints and stuff in the hook folders, but I'm not seeing anywhere where those dmg numbers are listed.
i don't see where black ops is changing the aircrash damage of Ahwassa or Czar.
the citadel has 10880 damage based on the mass spent for building the unit. (48960 / 4.5 = 10880)
my formula for the calculation is:Damage = math.round(uBP.Economy.BuildCostMass / 4.5) DamageRadius = uBP.SelectionSizeX + uBP.SelectionSizeZ) / 2
Of course I can also use your numbers.
(do you mind to share you formula for me so i can calculate all units with it ?) -
So my SUPER scientific method was to spawn a series of T3 Land HQ (16000 HP) and use ctrl-k to drop things on them. Lol.
I don't know what has changed the Ahwassa either, but it very reliably reduced a 16000 hp factory to 8000 hp. Likewise, a 10000hp SACU portal would be left with 2000hp. I don't know much about blueprints, but I couldn't find anything from poking around in the hooks either, which is where I thought it would be, right? And I don't use any other Sim Mods that would touch any units, let alone the Ahwassa, so I don't know why it's doing 8000 instead of 7000.
Czar is the real concern though. It was killing a 16000hp Factory dead, so it's doing more than twice the 7000 damage it's supposed to be doing. I couldn't find air crash damage for it either tho.
As for what numbers to update the other BlackOps Units to -- If the balance team sees fit to reduce the Ahwassa and Czar to 7000 damage, I just figured using 7000 as the maximum for other large flying experimentals like the Citadel and the Gargantuan made sense. I don't have a fancy formula, except to bring them in line with the others.
@Doompants all air experiments crash damage was nerfed in the latest balance patch. Of Thier is a typo in patch notes le me known and I'll check them tomorrow
Thx, yes I know about the crash damage nerf. That's what we're trying to troubleshoot for the BlackOps mod.
But patch notes say the Ahwassa is supposed to do 7000 damage, and as you can see from my screenshot it's been doing 8000 hitting that factory (also tested with Quantum portals). Maybe I'm missing something else about crash damage, but this is happening both with BlackOps on, and with Vanilla (BlackOps off).
The crash DMG is 7000
I'll change notes accordingly
Your observations are correct, the Ahwassa can do more than 7000 damage crash damage.
OnKilled = function(self, instigator, type, overkillRatio) self.detector = CreateCollisionDetector(self) self.Trash:Add(self.detector) self.detector:WatchBone('Nose_Extent') self.detector:WatchBone('Right_Wing_Extent') self.detector:WatchBone('Left_Wing_Extent') self.detector:WatchBone('Tail_Extent') self.detector:EnableTerrainCheck(true) self.detector:Enable() SAirUnit.OnKilled(self, instigator, type, overkillRatio) end, OnAnimTerrainCollision = function(self, bone,x,y,z) DamageArea(self, {x,y,z}, 5, 1000, 'Default', true, false) --- <-- additional damage explosion.CreateDefaultHitExplosionAtBone( self, bone, 5.0 ) explosion.CreateDebrisProjectiles(self, explosion.GetAverageBoundingXYZRadius(self), {self:GetUnitSizes()}) end,
When killed it adds various terrain detection detectors to various bones (points) of the unit. When those intersect with the terrain they create a flash and do an additional 1000 damage.
@Rowey it is likely better to phrase it as the
minimum crash damage
that is reduced, as the real crash damage depends on how the air unit ends up colliding with the terrain. -
@jip may want to let the balance team aware of this too
I've made them aware of it with the CZAR. But for completeness:
@Tagada / @TheWheelie : the crash damage reductions reduce the minimum amount of damage an air experimental can deal. Due to terrain intersection detectors an additional 1K to 2K damage can be dealt. Therefore your changelog is not accurate: the minimum crash damage is reduced, but not the actual crash damage.
Isn't the actual crash damage reduced as well? It's just that the value in the BP is the minimal rather than possible crash damage for some units.
The total sum is reduced, yes - but these are separate instances of damage
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Hello friends.
New issue with BlackOps after dev patch 3751.
Each faction has an Anti-Teleport tower, one at T2 and one at T3. These towers have suddenly started providing cloaking in the same radius as the anti-teleport range (brown intel circle).
Here's a quick cheated base that shows everything getting cloaked at the moment of completion.
Have confirmed that it is not a visual bug, and that the cloaking is legitimate (enemies can see radar blips, but no visual of structures without Omni units like t3 scouts). -
this is the line that is no longer working:
self:DisableUnitIntel('unitScript', 'CloakField') -- Used to show anti-tele range
without "unitScript" will disable the cloak correctly.Do we fix this in the game or in the mod?