AI-Uveso (v116) - AI mod for FAForever
Just catching up on release notes.
Love update version 93, Especially this change:
New: AI is now able to use gifted factories also after full share or player disconnect.
This is great for Full Share AI / Human games
where the AI will Now control the gifted bases the same as the Human players.
Gotta close that gap -
Thaks for your reply
I don't know if i posted this, but the sharing also works for mobile units.
In case the AI gets units from a player that are outside every location manager, it will move those units
to the neearest base so they can be reassigned to the manager. -
Is there a way to get an older version? In the new version, the AI keeps sending his ACU near my base.
@ropi Hi Ropi, Yea the attacking leader's are "fun". Depending on game settings and plugins (example all factions mod) the AI might send one or more ACU units as portable nukes into your base
Update 05.Oct.2021(v97)
- Fix: fixed movement in ACU platoon where support units are blocked by terrain
- Fix: fixed a bug where lost factories where reassigned to new managers
- Fix: experimentals should no longer join the ACU platoon as support unit
- Fix: renamed "CDR Attack" platoon to prevent conflicts with hooked builders
- Opt: reduced ACU targeting intervall (from 100 to 700 miliseconds)
- Opt: added builder to upgrade the first T1 land factory when we have more than 2 tech2 massextractors
- Opt: removed gamepatches that are already released
- Opt: removed unused functions
Update 10.Oct.2021(v98)
- Fix: compatibility patch for insignificant units test. (needed, If you play FAFdevelop)
@uveso said in AI-Uveso (v98) - AI mod for FAForever:
Update 10.Oct.2021(v98)
- Fix: compatibility patch for insignificant units test. (needed, If you play FAFdevelop)
Got any plans for v100? Strippers and/or booze?
Yes, in version 100 i implement some code to set the AI free.
Hopefully it will dominate the world without killing all humans -
@gladry AI being suicidal is "fun"? Basically, I need to play Supremacy or Annihilation so the game won't end in 7min. Anyway, I take your reply as a "No" to my question.
you can always download any earlier version from the FAF Vault.
This is the download link for the actual version v98, if you want to download version 97 then use me it would be more helpful if you could describe why and how the commander commit suicide.
So we can make a better ACU fight fuction.In case you want a quick solution and you play singleplayer then you can just change
a line in my mod to prevent the commander to attack and suicide to much.In my mod the commander has a braveness factor. In case the braveness is positive it will attack and
redraw with negative braveness.Just find this codeline in my mod in your mod folder and change the number from 0 to maybe -10
(there you can also see how the ACU function is detecting threat)This way the commander starts with a negative braveness and will redraw way earlier.
You can also set it to -30 and the ACU will stay in base.Also if you see that the ACU is under attack and don't react to it, make a screenshot or vid and post it here.
This way the ACU function can get smarter over time. -
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Where can I download AI-Uveso version 91?
For Mod NutCraker AI i need v91 -
you only need to change the V0091 in the URL to any version you want: you sure you need version v91 ?
I tested right now theNutcracker AI - fixed
from the vault and its running with the last Uveso AI v98 -
Sorry for question. Is there any way to make AI works with T4 shield mods? I tries lots of T4 shield mods, and AI dont build any of this. With Total Mayhem and Black Ops game ends up too fast even for overwhelm AI, and as modding noob i cant figure, what should i do to help AI understand how to build/upgrade shields from side mods. Can you help with any info or manual please?
There's no way to do so on your end. It would require additional AI code to understand and use the new units.
i have done a mod with T4 Shields that can stop also nuke weapons and its fully supported by AI
with additinal AI builder/platoon former -
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First I must say that my friends and I really like this AI, well done
But we think we may have found a small issue.
This was on seton's clutch and happend in two separate games.
We were 1 hour+ into the game and we had to defend against nukes and experimentals from the enemy AI. But when we fired a nuke ourselfs from the backmost spot, the AI had a massive base but no nuke defenses.
We think this is caused by the AI not knowning we had build the nuke launcher (no units could get near the base in the back).
Could you tell us if the AI should always be builiding a nuke defence?
thanks you for your kind words about my AI!
Your guess is right, you protected the nuke launcher, so the AI could not scout it.
Since the AI is not cheating in the way that its using a map hack or something like that, you can
foul the AI with good protectiong or cloak/stealth units.
(Or use onmi-view from the lobby options to disable fog of war for the AI)There are 4 builder that are responsible for anti nuke buildings.
The first builder checks if the enemy has at least 1 nuke launcher: Defense.lua#L673
So it will only build a nuke defense if it can see more than 0 nuke launchers on the enemy player.The second Builder is building nuke defenses depending on the enemy launcher / own defense ratio Defense.lua#L702
it will build 0.8 times defenses than enemy nukes.
That means it will build 4 defenses to defend against 5 Launchers.
(the first defense under 0.8 will be build from the first builder)Then the special case if an enemy player has an "Yolona Oss" (Seraphim Experimental Launcher) Defense.lua#L732
Here we build 3 nuke defenses for every "Yolona Oss" from the enemy.Last but not least the counter for Nuke-Subs Defense.lua#L760
Here we build 1 additional defense for every 2 nuke submarines.Do you think the AI should build at least 1 nuke defense without knowing the existence of an enemy nuke launcher ?
If so, when or under what buildconditions would you like it? -
Thanks for the reply.
At least one nuke defence in the main part of the base makes sense.
We always build them as soon as we have a few T3 energy generators up, because we know at the 35 min mark they will come and we want to have plenty of defence.
So somewhere not too long after reaching T3, but maybe not have them fill up competely since they cost a fair amount of mass to build them.
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Hello there!
I've been playing against AI Uveso for several years. I often host the most insane games when it comes to difficulty. 2.0 build cheat multiplier and from 2.5 to 4.0 resources cheat multplier, so i guess I am experienced in this topic and I would like to give You my feedback.First of all, great job in creating such a fun mod! As i said before i've been using it for several years and it's because it's so much fun that i keep challenging myself in trying to win harder and harder games against your AI.
I used to play against classic supcom AI back in the days... and it was not only weak but it also had several issues such as slowing the game the longer it lasts. I was happy that FAF has implemented the new Sorian AI which didn't have this issue, and the AI was much more challenging and fun. But unfortunately Sorian AI had issues aswell... for example it didn't make t3 arty or game enders due to a bug. When i installed Uveso AI and tried it i was really impressed about it... AI destroyed me in few minutes and i couldn't believe how smart and reactive it was. The tactics it used were on another level... something that sorian couldn't pull off. Air was used correctly in hordes, gunship ambushes, teleport SACUS, crashing experimentals on strategic buildings, smart nukes.
It took me few years to master how to play against it and there are few things that could be changed to improve players experience. In early versions of AI it used to launch nukes as soon as it is loaded unless AI scouts an smd in players base. It used to be annoying to rush the smd before min 13 just to prevent AI from nuking. The 35 minute mark was a great improvement since we don't have to rush an smd anymore, players can focus on other stuff and when the time gets closer to ~30min we can start building an smd. Here is my question:
Is it possible to expose some parameters in a game lobby such as:
Time before AI can start building t3 arty
Time before AI can start building game enders?
In current version of this AI there is similar problem to nuke time mark, and the problem is with arties that AI can start building very early due to high economic boost. Most of the time AI finishes an arty before min 22 which is hard to deal with, and the greater eco boost the earlier the arty is built. I would rather deal with more units or earlier experimentals before 25 min than being focused on tanking an arty and building my own to deal with it. Making it possible to decide when players can expect such dangers would improve our experience!Experimental crashing is the thing that i would get rid of. It's either annoying or pointless and let me elaborate on that.
First of all, most of the flying experimentals are used by the AI to be crashed... i don't remember if it was the other way back in the days, but i haven't seen many flying exps being used the ''normal'' way, for example bombing with ahwassa or harrasing lone mexes with the soul ripper. When we see an experimental we're like ''Oh, i wonder where its gona crash'' cuz it's used that way 95% if the time... same goes for gunships but gunships most of the time are used properly, but sometimes they're flying towards something in a straight line and crashing at pointless stuff.
Second of all, it's annoying when experimental crashes perfectly on the most important building, for example pgen next to t3 arty which ends the game for players... 20 minutes wasted because AI has decided to perfectly position his ahwasa and crush it on something that is the only hope for the player team.
And the last thing about experimental crushing is that AI most of the time is targeting pointless stuff. Crashing an experimental on t3 mex is a huge mass donation, but it may target things like walls on the front (It may sound absurd but AI actually does that and i have some replays of it). That's why its either pointless or annoying, it may end the game by crashing on our smds or t3 arty or it may make a huge mass donation.I'm looking forward for the future updates! Great work so far
Well in real pvp games players also use experimental bombers for crashing them into stuff