@jip here is my wishlist of small changes!
1 - Change the sound of the SCU exploding to anything other than the sound an ACU explosion makes... this feels minor to me. This has been a thing causing both casters and player heart attacks for years. SCUs exploding and tricking us into thinking a com just died or a nuke landed is kinda annoying imo.
2- Adding a UI element to replays that shows more player stats (APM, Resources lost, idle engies.) would help casters a ton. I'm actually unsure how minor to major this is but gonna propose the idea.
3- Firebeetles should have both cloak and stealth. They feel so much more jank to use since the changes and adding stealth would allow us to use them at least a little more since you will need omni to see them.
4- Add some sort of reward for playing ladder (any of them) my suggestion is some kind of cosmetic Ego inflating thing that shows up by your name in custom lobbies for achieving higher ratings in ladder.
5- Integrate Nomads into base FAF mod. this change is totally a small one. /s