New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements
@aulex said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
I’m convinced we should separate PC into two positions. Product manager (basically what FTX is doing now) and an actual PC who tries to create an inclusive environment and focuses on what the players want.
I think this is best done by the newly elected PC, even if it is not official, the new PC can just delegate some responsibilities. @FtXCommando was agreeable to such a suggestion by me for new player interaction.
@Valki said in player councilor election 2021:
Or what would you think about having 1 or more "deputy councilors" who act as spokepersons between you and new players?@FtXCommando said in player councilor election 2021:
Don't mind having people that want to act as "PC delegates" or whatever they would be called. Such a duty carries quite vague responsibilities that would need to be worked out with said interested parties. [...]I would encourage any PC to delegate things or call upon assistance for areas where they are weaker.
If some of those delegations work out really well the new PC can later suggest to the council to permanently change the PC position responsibilities.
So, i dont know that to say first. But I would start with it.
All here know that i'm collecting a petition, it still did not complete. Every day i hear new comments about Ftx, hear incidents abusing his PC status. About communication, promotion of player ideas.
We already saw this situation with Sladow, his comment. He is my colleague, i know him, and i know that he did a great job as a personal trainer. And after this work he deserves such oppression? I think that it's unacceptable behavior for the councillor. In any case, your target is to improve faf and such actions only slowing down the progress. The councillor must put personal problems with players below the faf interests.
Also the incident with abusing - GCW galaxy clan war. When the initiative had been suppressed because ftx is law here...
I’m lazy to continue the list of this content and generally I dislike discussing toxic things. But ultimately, ftx's words don't pay any trust for me.= = = = = =
I commit to:Communicating with as many FAF players as is possible to gather, represent, and promote their ideas and interests.
I will work to accomplish the interests of the FAF general userbase and FAF contributor to the best of my ability. When interests of the various userbases collide or the userbase clashes with contributors, I will work to create a compromise that best serves all involved. I will maximize the interests of FAF.
I will act as the voice for players across all levels of FAF while also acting as their ears and eyes.
= = = = =About tournaments:
It's a well-known fact that newbies don't stay in faf. Newbies prefer play gap, crater instead good maps or ladder. So, new tournaments for 1000-1500/1500-1900 will increase interest to improve the skill of playing for average and new players, increase the wish to stay in faf, increase the interest to play good maps. Their trying hard willn't look like wasting time. For example, after “Road To Glory” I see a high activity in my clan from low rated players. They started to prepare to the next tourney, play ladder, duels with each other. Although, most of them almost left from faf. Participants of the tourney said that it was cool and that they are waiting and preparing for the next tournament.The morax's ideas looks better. We see that his priority will work. Because the player activity on the RoadToGlory is confirmation of this. Plus, a closed tournament from apofenas showed a high interest of low rated players (<1200). I can even say that this is the first step to create a pleasant atmosphere in faf for all players.
The current point system idea looks strange. There are not a lot of players who can play every tournament. And that will be difficult to participate for new stars of faf because in the future it requires years to get points to enter lots.
Divisions and rating system:
Trueskill method works well for all except new players. And your idea looks strange if consider that this system works only with very big online as it exists in starcraft 2.
Although, probably rating and divisions should exist separately. The leaderboard should be joined with divisions and the rating system shouldn't be changed or reseted. Just mini calibration to come back in the leaderboard list.Btw, @biass could you change the link with text of morax on
Because current link is wrong. -
Let’s go through this point by point.
Sladow was removed because I’m the only PC in FAF’s history to give enough of a damn to actually maintain the lists of people under them. I had trainers that hadn’t logged in since 2014 and TDs that hadn’t hosted tournaments since 2013 back when I got the post. Which gets into why Sladow was pruned.
Sladow was entirely inactive on Discord. I did not see him on the forums, nor did I see him helping anybody out at all in aeolus. If someone is not present in public channels in any capacity, then I remove them for inactivity. Could I have been wrong and Sladow is a PM God that contacts a dozen dudes a week for private lessons? Sure. All he would have to do is PM me anywhere on FAF asking what was up with his removal and I’d explain it to him and even give the role back if he has been active. If he didn’t care enough to do that, then I just consider it another justification for the decision. If he was such a active private PM trainer, it also makes zero sense why he would not be able to cross the barrier of PM’ing me anywhere. If I removed the role from biass, Javi, or HintHunter, they’d ping me and ask what was up.
I also see he claims he contacted me and that I ignored his PMs. That’s entirely false. He has contacted me a sum of two times in 3 years. The first in 2018 to ask to be made a trainer. The second in 2020 when he got upset I called him overrated on Farm’s stream after playing a game. Both PMs involved me responding to him.
In fact, I would be interested if any dude on FAF could give an example of a PM I ignored. Maybe when it was 3 AM my time and someone pm’d me on FAF and then my PC went into sleep mode so I never saw it?
GCW is a good one to bring up. It was a clan war tournament hosted by several players that were in a clan that was participating. This tournament offered no avatar rewards during the initial post. Suddenly, at the end, when the clan that was hosting the tournament got 2nd, the TDs decides to give 1st through 3rd unique avatars.
This is unprecedented in FAF, LotS doesn’t even do it. None of the TDs consulted me about effectively doubling the unique avatar count on FAF in a single tournament. Nor the pretty evident conflict of interest here. I halted the absurd quantity of unique avatars and gave out the standard FAF avatar policy. 1st can get unique avatars, 2nd can get faction face avatars, and 3rd can get faction icons. These avatars would be given out to a player if they had contributed to the team’s win by playing in the tournament.
About low level tournaments, once again, no one says they are a bad idea. This was repeated several times. What people doubt is Morax explaining how he will do 2.5x my current TD’ing when the last tournament he hosted was in 2019 and from like 2017-2019 he was hosting 2 tournaments a year.
You don’t understand how the LotS system works. Points get reset each year. The point is to find the FAF champion of that year by rewarding participation for major events throughout the year as well as general FAF activity.
Finally, divisions do not replace TrueSkill as a matchmaking tool. It replaces it as a visual indicator of your progression as a player. TrueSkill is also NOT inefficient for new players. The whole point of the system’s design is to be as efficient as possible in placing new players at their level of play in as few games as possible. I also have zero clue why you think divisions only work in highly populated games.
@morax said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
Yes, I do "train" and help people as much as possible, albeit not through your official system. I talked to a few of your trainers such as @Sladow and @RandomWheelchair , found that none of them really have much going on.
What we really need to get training going is something like an initial broadcast message to first-time logins describing how complex the game is and linking some "getting started" material rather expecting the individual themselves to be "motivated to find it." The layers and complexity of the community can sometimes be so engrossing that even the most motivated person can be clueless as to how to begin. I do not believe you have addressed this issue well.
As for training all the time, if you do it this frequently, and over the course of a few years, YOU MUST have some people that made it to a decent level and thanked you for your help. Could you have a few individuals support this by posting here about how you helped them to show what you do for them?
Your story about "pinging all the <300s" kind of conflicts your accomplishment here.
Tbh morax if you were to ask anybody else you would get little bit different answers. Cuz the 2 you brought up aren't the best when it comes to properly judging how the system works.
First of, Sladow is basically non existent in english public space. He might be doing work in PM's or in non-english parts of the community. But the reality is that you can't see him anywhere in aeolus or discord. If you go through his discord you will see that he never spoke with any of the players seeking help there. So I'm afraid that he's just not into public work as much as the others or he simply operates in non-english discords which honestly I'm not part of.
As for me I joined the trainer team to go and help out people who are interested learning how to one-up their setons game play level and that's the people who I tend to spend more time with and explaining more stuff than basics. Otherwise I tend to go and answer simple questions in the discord which tend to happen quite often.
But ask hinthunter about how much people he's working with and he will answer with ten times the number of people that I and sladow have worked as he's out there helping out everyone he can, especially new players who have no clue what supcom basically is as they just played their first game.
Honestly even Biass would give you different answer than us 2.As for your idea to make initial broadcast or anything I don't think it's good one as we already provided lot's of opportunities for people to get better with a set of trainers available at basically all times not to mention revamped basic guides(courtesy of FTX - and even a brand new channel in faf client for newbies that have few trainers frequenting there to help out, and also basic information relevant to them.
If people want to get better at the game they have all the opportunities they need, and let's be honest we want people to take at least the first step in asking us how to get better as that at least shows that they are actually interested in getting better.
Unfortunately or maybe fortunately most people that join faf are interested in nothing but fun and as such they aren't interested in getting that much better by going over their replays together with trainers or by reading comprehensive guides or implementing six laws of BH into their gaming routine.They just want to join lobby and see big robots go boom, which is quite evident especially in newbie channel which is a nothing more than a ghost field of no questions asked. And believe me it's a surprise to see someone actually needing help as nearly all of them are just gonna join random lobby and have fun no questions asked.
People like seven are few and far in between which also makes your point about FTX needing a high rated players come from his tutelage quite stupid, why must he and us have a high rated player come out from our wings? Why can't we consider few smaller random guys going up 200-300 points in ladder an achievement? Is it that bad that instead of putting all the time into getting new ladder god we help out buncha random folks rise their rating by 250 points by explaining them basics and showing how into supcom?
And coming back to the system message, I don't think it's warranted to be spamming all new players with messages. It seems intrusive and I myself wouldn't want this kind of treatment where I'm expected to git gud by my first day of faf.
Just let me play some games and enjoy new game before you throw tutorials in my face expecting me to get better. Most people who wanna git gud will find a way to forums, discord or even ask in aeolus or newbie channel. As such I don't think it's necessary.If anything the only option I see for getting closer to all of the new faf players is revamping the tutorial tab in client into something better as currently it seems little bit lackluster. But I have no clue what that would entail so I think that devs would have to come out and speak on this topic as to what is possible.
@inspektor_kot said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
All here know that i'm collecting a petition, it still did not complete. Every day i hear new comments about Ftx, hear incidents abusing his PC status. About communication, promotion of player ideas.
Please do continue posting the comments. One of the reasons that made me become PC in 2018 was that I was tired of FAF operating off of random rules that were made up on the spot. I have made several efforts to address this everywhere across FAF. Examples of me missing these situations or even CAUSING them? I would love to hear them.
I made tournament procedure concrete (source: the variety of pinned threads in the tournament subforum). I contacted moderation to confront and appeal unfair actions (source: Yudi being banned for gamethrowing because he gave up in an all welcome where his whole team died and he didn’t want to hard carry). I made Councillor elections actually have a method of happening (source: this whole election is based on principles I outlined and pushed for in councillor calls, hell the thread is a copy of my old election threads).
I can almost guarantee every action I did on FAF through my role as Player Councillor was justified both through bettering FAF as well as operating within the current framework of FAF Rules.
@ftxcommando said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
@inspektor_kot said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
All here know that i'm collecting a petition, it still did not complete. Every day i hear new comments about Ftx, hear incidents abusing his PC status. About communication, promotion of player ideas.
Please do continue posting the comments. One of the reasons that made me become PC in 2018 was that I was tired of FAF operating off of random rules that were made up on the spot. I have made several efforts to address this everywhere across FAF. Examples of me missing these situations or even CAUSING them? I would love to hear them.
I made tournament procedure concrete (source: the variety of pinned threads in the tournament subforum). I contacted moderation to confront and appeal unfair actions (source: Yudi being banned for gamethrowing because he gave up in an all welcome where his whole team died and he didn’t want to hard carry). I made Councillor elections actually have a method of happening (source: this whole election is based on principles I outlined and pushed for in councillor calls, hell the thread is a copy of my old election threads).
I can almost guarantee every action I did on FAF through my role as Player Councillor was justified both through bettering FAF as well as operating within the current framework of FAF Rules.
It looks like you are barking at the wrong tree here.
This thread has gotten absolutely ridiculous for anyone to follow.
Yesterday some folks brought up the idea, and earlier today Endranii, HintHunter, Terminal, Grimplex and I were in voice chat to discuss FAF politics, learned that voice chat is much, much better to discuss issues.
I think rather have an open forum debate, FTX, Emperor, myself, and whomever else applies should get a live, streamed discussion of issues with FAF. I think this might be a better option, limit it to 2 hrs tops.
What do you guys think? I don't want to make this seem as hostile as it has appeared in this thread. I am confident the 3 of us could have a civil conversation that might yield ideas and solutions to FAF issues in the very least.
No, I got no interest in some random voice call debate unless it operates like a standard, procedural debate. I’m tired of the disorganization.
Moderator is picked. Moderator releases a list of questions. Individuals have a set time for a response alongside a set time for a rebuttal if they are inclined to give one.
Usually 5 minutes for a question, 8 for a rebuttal.
In a rebuttal you can do never go beyond the scope of the response you are refuting.
If you opt to refute a rebuttal, you likewise cannot go beyond the scope of that respective rebuttal.
It is up to moderator discretion when people are no longer arguing within the scope of the question/original argument and when rebuttals have begun to go in circles.
Of course it will be organized. If Jagged or someone can moderate that would make it nice I think.
Like I said, the voice chat I just had with Endranii and HintHunter went VERY WELL and I think we could do the same.
@morax said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
This thread has gotten absolutely ridiculous for anyone to follow.
this...... i gave up reading this thread coz it turned into a s**t show i would much rather watch a 2hr stream
Yeah I think I am done writing posts for the PC application threads. Another bunch of us were just in voice and the conversations were critical of things, but not overly-rage-a-holic pessimistic.
FTX, good luck to you on here if that is what you want to keep doing, but I am all set. If that costs me the election cause I am refusing to go through this hell then so be it, but I would really like to hear everyone's thoughts on this idea of a voice discussion.
Morax Just root for the penguin and then the two of you split pc roles. You both have good ideas and should work together and not fight and divide. Togetherness is what we need, don't let ftx divide and conquer. This thread leads nowhere.
If this does happen: my recommodation
- Have a Topic or list of questions your expected to answer
- If everyone and mom wants to run can we have something so we don’t have an 8 person debate. I dealt with that enough two years ago.
- Establish rules, and casters. In stone or blood whichever implication you all before.
We can do this, or we can just wipe every post except for the applicants and then occasionally feed in questions from PM or some other submission box.
Of course, would need times from all 3 of you and a number of good questions to ask.
If we want to do that, we could use the nice questions sheet I already made for the discussion and I think I asked two ones in here we can use for prompts. /shamelessselfPromotion
Looking at all this discussion, we can conclude that people are just tired of seeing FTX in this post, and at least for one year we need a new PC. I don't think it's going to make FAF feels very bad. It just looks like another presidential re-election in Uganda. Probably, we even should limit the term that PC can not be elected for more than 2 years for example
This post is deleted! -
I’m fairly certain only a vote will tell this, Wesh. Ftx, penguin, myself have our supporters and those against.
The only thing I know for sure is that people really dislike reading this much back and forth in text...
I wish ftx would be open to a voice discussion, at least for the sake of resolving issues, but you saw his response.
I think we should have a debate like in presidential election on twitch. I think it's a good idea for people to get to know the candidates better, to know who they're voting for. I am sure that these beautiful letters with promises were not read by all interested people, and most of the players do not know what is happening at all. In fact, I vote for promises on paper, and I'd like to get to know and hear the guys better. The format of the debate may be different, but I think faflive, Jagget or farms will ask questions and the candidates will answer how they are going to solve them. And viewers can vote "mass" in the chat, which answer is better. I apologize if someone has already voiced this idea and I repeat