This thread looks like a dispute between bile and antacids.
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This thread looks like a dispute between bile and antacids.
@ftxcommando said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
@inspektor_kot said in New Player Councilor Discussion + Removal Announcements:
All here know that i'm collecting a petition, it still did not complete. Every day i hear new comments about Ftx, hear incidents abusing his PC status. About communication, promotion of player ideas.
Please do continue posting the comments. One of the reasons that made me become PC in 2018 was that I was tired of FAF operating off of random rules that were made up on the spot. I have made several efforts to address this everywhere across FAF. Examples of me missing these situations or even CAUSING them? I would love to hear them.
I made tournament procedure concrete (source: the variety of pinned threads in the tournament subforum). I contacted moderation to confront and appeal unfair actions (source: Yudi being banned for gamethrowing because he gave up in an all welcome where his whole team died and he didn’t want to hard carry). I made Councillor elections actually have a method of happening (source: this whole election is based on principles I outlined and pushed for in councillor calls, hell the thread is a copy of my old election threads).
I can almost guarantee every action I did on FAF through my role as Player Councillor was justified both through bettering FAF as well as operating within the current framework of FAF Rules.
It looks like you are barking at the wrong tree here.
Maybe we should set up a veto poll and stop feeding the troll?
I think FtX should put his opinions about Brazilians and others in his application.
This way people can make an informed decision about the thought process and motivations of the applicants as see who represents the whole community better.
Some players started complaining they lost their rating with another saying he got 1300 points.
Anyways, please fix, I want my rating back.
how about a mobile shield transport/truck that would produce a bigger and stronger shield? Maybe add omni or vision to it, idk. Aeon only please.