So lets us all take a step back. Now Penguin the first genuine time I interacted with was about some mapping and me poking fun at myself.
@Morax and @FtXCommando my first interactions beyond just person talking on discord with someone else. Was when I approached Morax, about the SCTA mod stuff about a year ago. And Ftx, we talked a few months later when I began doing initial planning for SCTA 2v2 #1. Now both of you were very supportive of my work. Or well lets elaborate:
Morax I came to you, as M&M, about SCTA and Vault. From June to September you supported me where you could, offered advice, and let me show you the mod a few times a month. And you told me no to uploading initially. Now I will come back to that later.
Ftx, when I first came to, you were initially hesitant due a variety of reasons, I was a new member of the community, SCTA among other things being a mod. My initial map pool idea, and more. As well as the first avatars I made as prizes, you told me were garbage.
Now fast forward, one of the last acts Morax you did, as M&M was let me upload the mod. After I had done a significant amount of work on improving the mod, replacing various models within the mod. And despite a certain member of the community, initial association with the SCTA Project and I. You were willing to overlook that and more so still lend your support and helping hand when needed. So the mod that ultimately came to the vault was one that was far cleaner, far less buggy, and in a far better state. Also while two other friends of mine helped me set it up , you were the guy who told me about github. Which has made SCTA project, coding, bugfixing, etc actually reasonable and possible.
Had you not been willing to say no, I would likely finished the mod in June, upload the "balance" version and not looked back. I think anyone who was in the SCTA Alpha can say beyond reasonable doubt that if the mod had been left in that state....would had left alot to be desired.
Ftx, you told me no, because you believed their been lack of signs up (and in fairness the first tournament had only 6 teams. The second one didn't even fire). And you also told my initial choice of avatars, left ALOT to be desired as well my map choices were bad or worse. So we went through, and you helped me choose new maps for the tournament. While folks might taken issue with the format (maps being repeated), the result was varied gameplay but also gameplay that wasn't the standard landspam fun times. And you helped me setup the challonge etc, and told me outright the potential issues or problems. You didn't beat around the bush.
But when I made clear, yes I was interested in doing this, you supported me as described, helped me choose the maps. And 'assigned' Swkoll to help me work through my first TD experience. Had you not done that, what would happened been basically of series of 1v1 ladder maps played in 2v2 or maps I had a personal bias for or against. And then in Rainbow, you took several hours, to work with Fearghal on his AI tournament. Which all things considered could been a mess otherwise from what I know both from helping Fearghal and otherwise.
Both you and Morax, (maybe I am insane, I could be, been long time), were hesitant about allowing MapGen in ladder or 1v1. For competitive play due a variety of reasons and repeatedly said no to random Aeolus asking for it (also Nomads but that a different discussion and I think between Morax and Ftx, only Ftx responded to those). And now we got MapGen? We have a generator with a wide variety of biomes, varied reclaim, and more. So, as councilor, the hardest, even if many say its the easiest, job is the act of saying 'no'.
I use myself as an example because I know that story well enough. As a councilor, can you explain why the act of saying "No", even if sometimes blunt or harshly is needed?
And @Emperor_Penguin , my question for you, is would you say 'No'? Do you understand the power of 'No'?