Maybe people shouldn't take things they read online so personally
Aulex's Player Councilor Application
@sheeo said in Aulex's Player Councilor Application:
@blodir said in Aulex's Player Councilor Application:
@sheeo said in Aulex's Player Councilor Application:
While I appreciate a joke; why not put this energy towards something productive?
I love u Sheeo, but not a fan of this attitude.
How much did you gather about my attitude from this question?
I meant it sincerely when I said I appreciate a joke.
Well perhaps there was a miscommunication, but the way I interpreted it, it sounded like you were criticizing us for writing satire.
Instead the whole process is just ridiculed; and by big names in the community like yourselves.
If I'd commented about you playing the game being a waste of time I would get this. But the subject matter here is electing people who are to represent FAF and its objectives.
Comments like this on the other hand make it sound like you disapprove of the contents of our posts rather than the time we wasted writing them.
I'm certain you know this, but just to be explicitly clear, criticism has a place in any functional democracy, and consequently so does satire. The moment you can't criticize candidates of a public election anymore is the moment the system becomes something that is no longer a democracy.
However I'm sorry for trolling you. I figured it would be evident that the post wasn't an actual application from the fact that I posted it outside of the official application thread. I did intentionally make it sound serious, because I thought that would make it funnier/more entertaining to read.
I didn't really consider that some people might not appreciate getting their hopes built up. My test subjects found it very funny (I also presented it to them as if I was actually applying).
For the record I am very appreciative of all the people who have told me they'd hoped it was serious. I have to admit though that I think there's some pretty strong arguments against my application, had I any wish of becoming PC.
For what's little it's worth, I added a comment in the election OP saying applications not in the thread are not counted as actual applications.
People probably won't read it, but it might clear up at least SOME confusion.
@sheeo said in Aulex's Player Councilor Application:
While I appreciate a joke; why not put this energy towards something productive?
I lack the time and motivation now that I'm working.
While I appreciate all the drama and bickering among FAF contributors, why not put this energy towards something productive?
@thomashiatt said in Aulex's Player Councilor Application:
While I appreciate all the drama and bickering among FAF contributors, why not put this energy towards something productive?
While I appreciate the sarcasm; why not put this energy towards something productive?
Whilst I personally grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of the words with which you used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to provoke laughter or mirth; for what cause, reason, or purpose are you not applying your limited energy, motivation, and time towards a different endeavour or enterprise which more effectively maximizes resultant purpose, significance, fulfillment, and satisfaction of life?
@thomashiatt said in Aulex's Player Councilor Application:
While I appreciate all the drama and bickering among FAF contributors, why not put this energy towards something productive?
We need to keep the drama running until someone writes a soap opera out of it.
"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā Benno Rice