FAF(default) mode alternative
@arma473 Not talking about special prominence, attention or publicity... You are missing the point of the discussion.
I don't think it's an official stance, it just the way it has been forever.
The featured mod faf is the baseline (later on alternatively fafbeta/fafdevelop).
Then comes optionally ONE additional featured mod (e.g. coop or phantomx) overlaying on top of it.
And then come all other regular mods on top.There were times we had featured mods that didn't need to be featured mods, but were just there for visibility. It was a bad idea and we're not doing it anymore. So unless you need special technical features of a featured mods, regular mods is the way to go.
Precedence means it comes first compared to non-featured mods
By extra attention, I mean it gets extra attention from the developers/administrators to make sure that they won't break it, and to fix things if they do break it
Well the way I see it, almost no one ever plays fafbeta so I have to assume the wider community does not support or at the very least does not really care about what the balance team is working on. I cannot understand why FAF has allowed it to be this way for this long when their mod only panders to maybe 50 people at most. The way it is implemented creates a monopoly and I do not feel the need to have to link to posts of people whining about why the more competent echelon of the player base has disappeared while only casual players with no ambition to improve remains as a means to justify that just about the only people who still play do not notice how bad it is or are responsible for the deterioration.
Forged alliance still has the best fundamentals for any RTS platform out there and one would think with several key improvements that were made over the years FAF would have become better and attract more players but there are just so many things that were changed for the worse and so much crap that has been added that more than offsets the value of the improvements made.
It's like some of the FAF teams want FAF to fail so they can escape the burden of their responsibilities and not making their failure and the damage they caused apparent to everyone by denying anyone else to bring FAF back from the demise it is currently in according to their own words while throwing up smoke screens about irrelevant causes for player churn like name changes...
Anyway my conclusion then is that FAF's main mod could be layered on top of a default version like phantom is and while the default version might have to change for API or other technical reasons it is possible to have key folders for mods such as the projectiles, units, and others be unaffected by what the FAF teams want to modify.
Further. as it is "tolerated" being this way, I can only interpret it as a hostile stance towards any contributors who have their own ideas and do not want to give up their vision by having to be part of their amalgamated mod. -
The reason people do not play that often on the development branches (FAF Beta Balance and FAF Develop) is because they are A, prone to bugs and B all existing replays desync the moment the branch is updated.
I know this because it's been a topic during two game team meetings that were open to the public, there were even Discord events
! You can find the minutes on Discord (1, 2) too.
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
Further. as it is "tolerated" being this way, I can only interpret it as a hostile stance towards any contributors who have their own ideas and do not want to give up their vision by having to be part of their amalgamated mod.
I don't get it.
I have personally helped you on various occasions in the past. I've also previously mentioned that the way 'Superior FAF Experience' is setup is not according to the best practices.
With almost every change mods (and external tools in general, such as the unit viewers) are constantly on our minds. A lot of changes did not happen because it would break (unmaintained) mods. And a lot of changes will never happen because it would break (unmaintained) mods. We're even trying to see if we can maintain some of them, such as Total Mayhem. And I hope to eventually extend this to other mods, if any of the authors happen to be reading it. We just need you to license it so that we can.
In general the eco system of (ui) mods is fairly healthy and a lot of them are as functional as they were half a decade ago.
And then here you call us hostile
@jip This is not personal, I respect you and many of the FAF people, I will say not all though. It is just an observation based on actions whether intentional or not and the only word that comes to mind to describe it is in fact hostile or lets say unfriendly if that's less pejorative, after all we are on the list of unfriendly countries in Russia's eyes.
My understanding is every time the game team f.ex. adds a new function like the 'display of how long it takes to capture an enemy unit' f.ex. I would have to change the file affected if I merge it or hook it in the correct way. Every time you add a new file for a new function I have to add an empty one to prevent it from passively hooking into the mod.
You cannot deny that it is impossible for anyone to anticipate new files affecting their mod and FAF does not implement a structure that would make modders have the option to use a setting that prevents additional files from slipping in (if I am wrong then please do correct me). Maybe I am not describing this well but since you have to import a bunch of files into unit scripts to access functions f.ex., why is it not that there is a file called XYZ that says "this version only uses this list of files" and FAF teams could add to this list and modders could have their own list to prevent it.It is correct that you did help me, and I wish I could have helped you more than I did in return but it was not meant to be. I think though you do understand why I can not be part of FAF as explained privately long ago and the reasons are still the same.
If you want to get the word out about this licensing thing, make a pinned post in the modding & tools section explaining what exactly it entails. I doubt hardly anyone is going to read through this thread and find that crucial information hidden in post 9.
Also the only video to follow along how to mod stuff is this one which does not really explain much especially in regards to more advanced mods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYfb_XhH25s
I know there are some documents to read through but reading those just takes too long and it's also inferior to seeing it actually be done with your own eyes. -
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
My understanding is every time the game team f.ex. adds a new function like the 'display of how long it takes to capture an enemy unit' f.ex. I would have to change the file affected if I merge it or hook it in the correct way. Every time you add a new file for a new function I have to add an empty one to prevent it from passively hooking into the mod.
I would not really call what you are describing here as modding. Since you are talking about overriding every function in base FAF effectively to avoid it being used by your mod. Mods are expected to build on top of the base mod of FAF and the way the game team attempts backwards compatibility builds off that line of thinking.
What you describe is more akin to writing a mod that wholesale replaces FAF and then just using FAF's mod vault as a distribution mechanism, which is fine, but that then breaks all the assumptions of backwards compatibility and is just not something the FAF game team can support as has been previously stated.
This thread has my head spinning already.
I cannot understand why FAF has allowed it to be this way for this long when their mod only panders to maybe 50 people at most.
You don't understand why a beta branch of the game is available? Seriously?
FAF has no obligation to make major changes to itself to support other overhaul mods. It's sole purpose is to allow people to play FAF the mod, and mods built on top of FAF. What you want is for FAF to become an entirely different project than what it already is and has been. It's its own mod that owes no other non-FAF mods anything. But you seem to think it should become a platform for other mods instead.
Which isn't even a terrible idea of a thing to have, but the way you come about asking for it is just completely absurd.
Jesus just fork faf already like gaf/rufaf has done already or smth
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
The way it is implemented creates a monopoly and I do not feel the need to have to link to posts of people whining about why the more competent echelon of the player base has disappeared while only casual players with no ambition to improve remains as a means to justify that just about the only people who still play do not notice how bad it is or are responsible for the deterioration.
The official FAF game development team has a monopoly on how the game is developed. This is a fact. And then there is the FAF balance team who has a monopoly on balance related changes.
Seems like we live in a duumvirate where everybody can join any of the teams in power. Crazy times, eh?
The changes causing top level players to leaven seem to be more related to the balance team as far as I have understood most of their "final words".
There were attempts to reset balance (BH balance) as well as alternative game meta (Equilibrium). None of them gained much momentum amongst players. The majority of players seems to be happy with the current model.
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
It's like some of the FAF teams want FAF to fail so they can escape the burden of their responsibilities and not making their failure and the damage they caused apparent to everyone by denying anyone else to bring FAF back from the demise it is currently in according to their own words while throwing up smoke screens about irrelevant causes for player churn like name changes...
To this point I tried to take your feedback serious, but this is just outright delusional. People are free to leave FAF anytime. And they did, in multiple places, for multiple reasons. Your example even comes from a team with zero competence overlap to game development..
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
Further. as it is "tolerated" being this way, I can only interpret it as a hostile stance towards any contributors who have their own ideas and do not want to give up their vision by having to be part of their amalgamated mod.
You can interpret it in any, doesn't make it right though.
FAF carries a heritage of ~10 years of development decisions. We still suffer from some very bad ideas and implementations and many of them revolve around featured mods and how they are build and applied. The result is a vault that is centered around your so called monopoly. That is something that is not easily changed. And independent from that it is a model we lived with for 10 years and you are the first one making a fuzz out of it.
There is some valid points in your initial request and I tried to explain to you why it is not easy to change.
But then your start throwing shit around , accusing people of weird stuff and show absolutely no interest of the reasons we gave you.
You are the one behaving hostile, not the game team.
On top of what Brutus said, how do you expect this to become a serious discussion when you are telling us outright that you don't want to learn modding best practices?
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
I know there are some documents to read through but reading those just takes too long
@brutus5000 If you re-read with an open mind you will notice I am not saying the game team is hostile. What I am saying is FAF as an organization or more as a platform is setup in a hostile manner the way things are implemented. The point though is that you are right, it was never envisaged to be setup with what I am asking for in mind. You said it was this way forever which means no one prior had ever brought this up in public discourse so it was presumed to be a non-issue but now the topic is on the table. I have asked what FAF's official statement is, Jip gave his opinion but didn't say he was speaking for FAF, so there is still no answer on this question.
I don't think I am being hostile, I am complaining and have read enough conversations here on the forum and discord to justify my impressions based on those observations. There is opinion and fact. I think I navigate in a fair way between the two and am clear when it is in fact an opinion or a fact. I can understand you do not like some of my opinions because you take it personally, but my criticisms do not target you personally. I try to understand your arguments but at the same time, I think certain elements can be split between the base version and a mod on top. You said it would be difficult to do, ok, maybe we are both right maybe I am wrong. How would anyone know? So many things that were considered impossible and tossed aside years ago have been overcome with the right people showing up. Maybe one day such a person will take charge of the balance team too and those top level players will stop leaving and more will be excited by the game that is a 30 minute U-shape of excitement, time will tell...
@blackyps Maybe the way I said it did not come across correctly. I have tried reading the documents related to FAF by Balthazar, I do not understand it all, and probably it is not covering everything either relevant to the conversation. I have even read other stuff related to lua coding just to manage to do up my skills enough to do the things I have done myself in my mod. However, I cannot dedicate years of learning coding full time to become savvy on all the matters relevant to the topic at hand. I did my masters in business management, not IT management or computer sciences. Besides, there are so many files relating to the game and how it is structured in those files is not so easy to oversee.
You can believe me when I say I have done a big effort to learn as much as I did already and I believe my accomplishments speak for themselves on this matter. -
@evildrew said in FAF(default) mode alternative:
You can believe me when I say I have done a big effort to learn as much as I did already and I believe my accomplishments speak for themselves on this matter.
You are here complaining cus u don't want to make your mod correctly then u go on about how your accomplishments speak for themselves?! Write your mod the way it is meant to be written then you can close this post and let your accomplishments speak for themselves.