Battleships shouldn't be able to damage submarines with artillery fire

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Aeon destroyers can kill t3 Subhunters in a single volley, when yoiu have like 3 - 5 destroyers.

Seems fair?

I can understand Battleships, but really destroyers killing subs just pushes them to irrelevancy, maybe nerf some destroyers AOE?

An idea which should be revisted is damage reduction for submerged units. Perhaps 1 unit of depth = 5% reduction to non-torpedo damage. It is worth mentioning that all submarines have a desired depth set in their blueprint but none can submerge deeper than terrain permits, so the result of a depth based damage calculation would be subs taking inconsistent damage from ground fire across different maps.

Best solution so far above. I agree.

Or you know? Maybe start paying attention to your subs? If you can actually put in effort to micro aurora then maybe you can also put some effort into sub micro? Why are you supposed to be rewarded for brain dead clicking attack move compared to your enemy spending lot of APM to micro his battleships?

Also where are the replays showing how bad the groundfire is? I could agree about atlantis getting some love but going about removing ground fire is nothing short of heavy handed resolution that you could expect from Polish goverment.

Dont be like Polish goverment.

@JusticeForMantis said in Battleships shouldn't be able to damage submarines with artillery fire:

Or you know? Maybe start paying attention to your subs? If you can actually put in effort to micro aurora then maybe you can also put some effort into sub micro? Why are you supposed to be rewarded for brain dead clicking attack move compared to your enemy spending lot of APM to micro his battleships?

I think its even less than bad micro, rather the units in question aren't moving at all.

@JusticeForMantis Do you dispute that battleships can one-shot subs with ground fire? If not, then what will replays show that you don't already know?


(Editing cus I hit incorrect button)

@JusticeForMantis said in Battleships shouldn't be able to damage submarines with artillery fire:

Also where are the replays showing how bad the groundfire is?

Sounds like hes asking for proof yes but on how bad it is not the possibility but the extent of what it does, sounds like its still about why not if.

@JusticeForMantis Honestly, Aeon destroyers are super easy to micro, and failing to micro them is not punishing at all, as they have a relatively high fire rate compared to Bships.

Its total bull. Subs can literally do nothing against aeon destroyers.

The oblivion cannon is so incredibly slow to reach its target that I have a hard time believing that subs would have problems avoiding it, so long that you don't just shift+g them on top of their intended target (in which case, I would say that you totally deserve to get punished for it).

There is definitely something to be said about about the whole groundfiring units which are supposed to be submerged, but I believe this is not a issue: groundfiring is extremely clunky, and if you can't be bothered to keep your units moving and/or not packed in a single point, you deserve the punishment.

I want to believe no one is saying that having a stack of subs in one point that can't be easily dealt with would be good for the naval game (especially since it's a mirror for the same situation on land, although land units don't literally stack on each other).

don't worry shift g, will disappear soon enough :4head:

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