Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?
Also, did you guys notice that Ythota's death weapon deals about 150k damage?
@Skrat what is that thing, never seen it before, is it a mod?
@lowki Cybran T3 Mobile EMP Missile Launcher. It's their version of the Aeon Absolver to disable shields.
@MostLostNoob a new unit or a mod?
@lowki It's a new unit that will be introduced into the base FAF game soon
. If you want to test it now, you can select FAF Develop as the Game Type in a Custom Game.
@MostLostNoob ah thankyou, very impressive unit, i like how it swims
So real question though. Did cybran really need a buff on land?
@firv And water. They swim like engis, so counter shield boats and floaty shields
@firv said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
So real question though. Did cybran really need a buff on land?
@melanol said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@firv And water. They swim like engis, so counter shield boats and floaty shields
wait what? really? because cybran needed an other buff??
@firv said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@melanol said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@firv And water. They swim like engis, so counter shield boats and floaty shields
wait what? really? because cybran needed an other buff??
Least picked faction in the last big tournament. Outclassed in many areas.
Meanwhile aeon still just chilling with the best roster, being the most picked faction in the tournament and yet nobody bats and eye. -
@endranii said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@firv said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@melanol said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
@firv And water. They swim like engis, so counter shield boats and floaty shields
wait what? really? because cybran needed an other buff??
Least picked faction in the last big tournament. Outclassed in many areas.
Meanwhile aeon still just chilling with the best roster, being the most picked faction in the tournament and yet nobody bats and eye.What areas are they outclassed?
t2 land t3 land t2 navy t3 navy t2 air t1 air (bad bomber) t4 air
Outclassed by who? I thought Cybran T3 land > Seraphim T3 land (at least 1v1). Bricks murder Othuums. And monkey lord can be built very quickly.
Cybran t3 land will just always lose due to the incapability of providing hp via mobile shields, likewise the same for their t4s lacking the support of mobile shields.
It's simply too important to stack hp on both utility units and keeping your priority units alive. That hole in their roster that cannot be filled is the whole reason why they got an antishield unit.
A similar thing exists on navy btw, hence why the unit is amphibious. Every faction has a floating shield aside from Cybran.
@ftxcommando said in Why don't we have t3 sera gunships, but we have this?:
t2 land t3 land t2 navy t3 navy t2 air t1 air (bad bomber) t4 air
Wait get out, cybran weak at t2 navy? Their t2 navy is opressive as fuuuck. Long range destroyers plus stealth boats? Sure shields might be nice for the other navies, but not beeing able to hit the enemy navy is 10 times more valuable then a shield.
Their t2 air is arguable the strongest for snipes, esp now mercies get hella nerfed lol.
T3 land is easily second place maybe shared first with UEF coz of percies/bricks. Aeon has nothing on t3 land and sera's oothums are meh.
So if Cybran gets anti shield shit, can other factions get some long range anti stealth stuff? That would be nice. Something that doesnt die the moment an anti air looks at it that is.
They have either the weakest or 2nd weakest destro depending on circumstance because it has zero offensive player agency for micro while the defensive player can regularly dodge two thirds the dps. Only reason valiant is potentially worse is because it can’t cross utility to deal with subs. Salem actively gets worse when you try to micro it because the guns do not shoot backwards.
Corsairs are really not great at dealing with anything that isn’t acus and even then it can be dodged. They’re not bad, no t2 air option is, but it’s probably the worst overall at least at high level games where options matter for causing defenses to spread. Also aeon gunship is still better for snipes tbh.
Your take on t3 land makes me question everything. You don’t understand the value of harbs, sera mobile shields, or snipers. Cybran was basically just a worse UEF who still has a tough time at t3 stage. The slowness of siege bots + the infrastructure to setup the production + no shields to keep them safe from aoe makes t3 constantly problematic for cybran.
“easily 2nd place” it’s kinda agreed by everybody to be the worst, that’s why last patch it got more buffs.
Cyb also has no ravager to stop snipers like UEF, they strictly need to go for 15k mass arty base or 35k mass mega.
The more prevalent the t1 stage is the better Cybran gets as a pick, but it just sucks at t2 and t3 stage. The only reason it got as high of a pick as it did in this tournament was because of the cancer tactics available to it (telelaser) and the boons of a clump of bp with hives. Those cancer tactics are getting general nerfs, so it's going to have less of that utility going for it as a joker card pick in teamgames and so it needs some actual, genuine good sides during the general mid-late game stages.
Is this all balance related around 1 v 1? because my experiance and my groups experiance is quite the opposite. hell, in my TMM games its quite opposite.
In my last 20 games in either 3v3 or 4v4 there was these players:
Aeon: 15
UEF: 53 (Altough 1 3 v 3 was all UEF XD)
Cybran: 34
Sera: 28UEF is a bit skewed coz I always play UEF, but still aeon is picked half as much as the rest in my TMM range which is 1500.
This was a teamgame tournament. Cybran is just terrible in teamgames, the faction is heavily frontloaded for t1 stage raiding which just doesn't happen in teamgames.
Of course UEF and Cybran get picked more in casual games because it's just the default factions. Aeon and Sera were always like 20% of the faction pick and Cyb and UEF were like 30%. Most people just don't care about what is actually good and can't tell how to actually use what is good.
Back when Cybran was insane OP, 19 of the top 20 ladder players strictly used Cybran. It didn't really change that a ton of people played UEF in casual games and the overall preferences across the playerbase stayed the same.
I strictly play UEF in casual games. For this tournament I rolled almost entirely Aeon.