Why would you have left FAF?


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My apologies. I just figured out the reason I wasn't getting games was that I wasn't also clicking the brown "PLAY FAF" button (or whatever it says) in addition to the blue 1v1 button. There's a case to be made that I'm just stupid and didn't understand how it works, but also, I'm not really that stupid and maybe it needs to be made a little clearer how it works. Thank you all.

You are not the first person who has done that.


Yeah others have had the same issue. Seems like the UI isn't very clear for some. Which I think is understanable in this case. Still, can you explain what your thought process was when qeueing? Since I believe all the different qeues should already be activated from the get go, so you only need to click the play button in order for it to work.

@stormlantern my thought process was that I only want to play 1v1 because I don't want to subject my horrible play to a potential teammate šŸ˜†

But ya, I figured clicking the 1v1 box was enough. The brown box says "PLAY FORGED ALLIANCE FOREVER", which I guess is kind of vague. It's a big enough box that it could theoretically say "Choose game type below and click here to search for game..." or something similar.

Have it say "queue up" or something.

@stormlantern Changing faction also unchecks the brown button

@BlackYps see above for reference. Perhaps some button outline or glowing effect could help in addition to a textual change?

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 should look like checkboxes, and "Play" should look like a button. Like this:

Why do I even need "yet another button" to enqueue? Why not automatically be enqueued as soon as you check any of the queues.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice


Because we chose to enable all queues by default. We then need a separate button to start queueing otherwise you would be queuing as soon as you start the client.
We did this because many people seemed to be unaware that you can multiqueue

So its checkbox time

If the units looked more like rubber ducks like the new total anhilation game... No no wait. Don't do that.