Ok, I tried, good luck. I really liked this game
@logic9867 I'm sorry to hear you're facing this problem. If you're willing to give it another go at some point, I can say what worked for me to reduce the number of connection problems: the faf ICE web telemetry UI
The tool lets you see, during the lobby phase, which connections are direct and which are via proxy servers. You can then ask the affected players to rejoin the lobby until all the connections are direct, which will help a lot.
The faf ICE web telemetry UI is available via the system tray once you are in lobby.
@quantumtyphoon Incorrect on every count. 1.5gig cable, no one else on the network, not even TV. Maybe a phone or two, but don't be ridiculous. Directly connected to the router at all times. The amount of time between any two points on earth via network is not enough to cause lag by itself. I don't experience lag in literally anything else but this game.
Edit: The guy above is literally what I'm talking about. People who don't understand networks assuming "someone's connection" sucks. I was on fiber for a couple years and cable for another and the issue is the same.
hi man, faf game state refreshes every 500ms, so as long as ping is 499 or below there will be no discernible difference to a ping of 1, if packets are lost (wifi or netwok problems of some kind) then there will be lag. (i am assuming there is no cpu lag here as well)
i would troubleshoot by making sure any av software is definitely allowing faf, (or not use real-time protection), temporarily disable windows update, get the phones off you network, make sure no other programs are using your connection, all other possibilities must be eliminated. -
@logic9867 I'm starting to have the same problem. Or close too. I have to login with browser every time now. And I'm getting lags even though nothing is on my network etc. Frustrating.
@quantumtyphoon Make sure Remember Me is checked before clicking the Login with Browser button
@mostlostnoob I just figured that out. But thanks your right that did it.
Is this a UI mod to install? I can't find it? -
@stan1234 once you join a lobby, a faf icon will appear in the system tray, next to the clock, at the right side of the task bar (might be hidden under an arrow menu). clicking this icon will open the FAF ICE adapter.
Open it, then click the button labeled "Show telemetry web ui"
A web page showing detailed information about each player's connection to others will open up in your browser. relay connections are indicated here
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@phong Thanks!