Advanced target priorities v1.1 UI Help (SOLVED)

@morrissey21 said in Advanced target priorities v1.1 UI Help (SOLVED):

where do i get this from

It's in the official mod vault

From the client, click on the "Mods" tab

Then search for it by name

@nex hello what does it mean the mod is partially integrated ?

It means that some features of the mod exists in default game ? If yes, what new features are provided by the mod ?

@iostrym The feature/function of the mod was integrated, but not the UI interface, so using the mod still provides that.

thanks, sorry but please could you explain what is the UI interface ? UI = "User Interface" ?

so it means that in the game, missile launcher will target by priority but user can configure it during the game without the mod ?

@iostrym said in Advanced target priorities v1.1 UI Help (SOLVED):

thanks, sorry but please could you explain what is the UI interface ? UI = "User Interface" ?


so it means that in the game, missile launcher will target by priority but user can configure it during the game without the mod ?

Yes, you can look in the F1 Key Bindings menu to see all the target priorities that are available & assign them to keybinds or you can use the mod that will popup a menu of those target priorities from the Fire State selector in the Action/Commands Menu.

thanks for help, is this mod only for the missile launcher or it is used for all units ?

the goal is to know which target will be attacked "by default" when I don't give specific order to units. right ?

for missile launcher, as they don't shoot if I don't ask them to do, I don't understand how the mod will work for them...

do you know where is the documentation for this mod, I don't find anything about it 😞

It works for all units & you can see the documentation for it here.

Thanks I tried it. it worked great. it can be used since when ?
using the mod give me the hability to add a shortcut so that I can modify the priority when pressing F11 ? if yes, I don't understand what was integrated because without the shortcut the mod is useless or I miss the point.

I don't understand if the priority is modified for all units I have or only for the one selected.

Is there a "priority list" ? first the commander, then mex, then engineer, etc ?

AFAIK, the mod doesn't do anything on its own anymore except provide a UI for assigning the priority, but to be honest, I've never used it myself, so I can't say for certain if that is or isn't the case.

The priority you assign is only for the selected unit(s).

As for the default priority, each unit has it's own which is set in the unit blueprint file, so you'd have to dive into those to see what they are.

@iostrym said in Advanced target priorities v1.1 UI Help (SOLVED):

using the mod give me the hability to add a shortcut so that I can modify the priority when pressing F11 ? if yes, I don't understand what was integrated

Without any mods, there's a key command called "prioritse unit type", that changes the target priority of all selected units, putting the unit under the cursor at top priority.
This was my only interest in the mod in the first place. I don't know how many people are manually creating complex priority lists in the middle of a match, but I suspect it's not that many.
(I can understand the mod's value while pausing the game in single-player games.)

is the mod usefull for T2 building that launch missile ? this kind of building don't attack by its own, right ? or maybe there is an option to let it attack everything like artillery building ?

@iostrym said in Advanced target priorities v1.1 UI Help (SOLVED):

is the mod usefull for T2 building that launch missile ? this kind of building don't attack by its own, right ? or maybe there is an option to let it attack everything like artillery building ?

The mod never did what you’re talking about. A mod that automatically launched your TML missiles with target prioritization would be banned for automation.

@iostrym no units that only have manual fire (mainly tactial/strategic missiles) won't be able to auto attack using this mod.

What the mod adds is that you can right click on the attack mode of the unit (down in the unit actions bar, there is a button for ground fire/return fire/hold fire, if you right click that it opens a window where you can select a target priority)

Thanks a lot. I think I misread the post that was talking about mobile missile launcher ...